GameChangers_BusinessIssue Volume 5 Issue 25 | Page 17

“ The best lesson those heroes left us with are the understanding that WE CANNOT GO BACK ! and throwing objects like bricks .. ALL of this anger was the result of racial animosity by some whites in America , who just could not accept that slavery was over , and the rules had to change .

The Civil Right struggle illuminated many of the hidden issues in America to the outside world . The horrific photos of AMERICA ’ S TREATMENT OF THE BLACK CITIZENS WENT ALL OVER THE WORLD . The Country was embarrassed to see its dirty laundry being revealed around the world . Dr . King , and the other civil rights leaders , including Georgia ’ s beloved John Lewis , continued to press forward . They had the BIBLE in one hand , and the CONSTITUTION in the other .
Dr . King was a scholar , a father , a husband , a leader , a politician , an author , a warrior , man of the people , a lecturer , a world traveler , a patriot , and A CHILD OF THE KING !!! He might have been snatched out of this world on APRIL 4 , 1968 … BUT HIS IMPACT WILL LIVE THROUGH GENERATIONS !!!
Because of Dr . King ’ s Legacy , lives are better all over AMERICA … BECAUSE OF HIS Legacy , young black people , as well as all other groups , have a fair chance at an education . What they do with it is up to them , but the door is open . Fair housing laws now make discrimination in housing punishable … Because of his Legacy , ALL Americans can get on public transportation and sit anywhere they choose , in any State throughout the Nation …. People can travel anywhere in the USA , and stop at any hotel or motel for service … People can sit down and eat at any restaurant , lunch counter , and be served without obvious prejudice …. People can VOTE in all elections without having their lives threatened , or their homes or churches burned or bombed … People can work a union job , for a decent wage , using the Fair Employment Act .
Dr . King is a national hero . His statue stands in Washington D . C . as a testimony to the contributions he made to the world . At a time of great danger from within AMERICA , THEY STOOD STRONG , FIGHTING A RIGHTEOUS FIGHT . They stand in our memories as an inspiring example of why and how we must fight . Their footprints walk forever over our hearts , keeping us awake and aware .
As we celebrate Dr . King ’ s Legacy , we are keenly aware of the racial conditions which we are presently living in 2021 . There are some similarities to the days of the Struggle , most notably , the rage of some whites , and the unequal use of white privilege , spilling over in the assault upon our Nation ’ s capital . Dr . King , John Lewis , and all of the other civil Rights leaders were eye witnesses to this kind of unbridled rage … recipients of their violence .
The best lesson those heroes left us with are the understanding that WE CANNOT GO BACK !!!! There is no Era in AMERICA ’ S PAST that will work for AMERICANS OF COLOR . So , we must continue to move forward . We have demonstrated that we still have the ability to vote in a block .. THAT was one of the lessons . “ Like minds working on one accord .” … Dr . King would be proud of the outcome of the RUNOFF !!!
The Legacy of Dr . King will stand in the actions of the youth of today . AS PEOPLE LIKE ME HAND OVER THE MANTLE OF LEADERSHIP TO THE YOUNG AND STAND AS AN EVER READY RESOURCE FOR THEM , WE CONTINUE TO MOVE FORWARD . Leadership is supposed to change over time . It is the natural order of things . We have the wisdom of experience … The youth have the energy to move the fight forward . We also have the lessons from yesterday , experiences of today , as we work for a better tomorrow . Thank you Dr . King .