Game-Creator: DIY 1 | Page 4

Get to know each other My secret Participants are sitting in a circle with their eyes closed. One of the players opens his eyes and tells his secret or an unusual fact about himself. Only those who have a similar secret or a similar fact open their eyes. The game finishes when a full circle of secrets is made. Guess my name Each participant needs to explain his name without using words. Participants are not allowed to write or draw. This game is for a team who absolutely don’t know each other and is great in an intercultural environment. Information is priceless The game is played a full day. There is a new currency in the camp e.g. hugs, sit-ups, push-ups, songs andetc. To get to know something about a person another person has to negotiate a price and pay with the currency. After that the participant writes down the information and also how much currency he spent. At the end of the day participants sit in a circle and share the information, announce how much currency they spent and received. The name song Participants gather in a circle. Each creates a rhythm for his name. One participant starts singing his name, the person next to the first participant joins in with adding his name to the song so that the song sounds good. All participants should join the song with their names. Portraits The group is broken down into couples. Two participants sit back to back with an A4 and a pencil each. Taking turns participants tell about themselves and draw a portrait of their pair. Af ter the drawings are finished participants discuss with each other and then present their partner to the group. Fact-o-mania Participants move randomly in a group and tell random facts about themselves. If the facts are similar e.g. “my favorite color is red”, “mine too” then players lean backwards, if the facts did not connect then participants lean forward. The game continues until most of the group is either fully bent forward or fully lean backwards. Bust-a-move Everybody stands in a circle. First participant comes out and says about something that he is good in e.g. „I can do a split“. All the rest repeat the phrase “Then bust a move!” The participant shows his skill and the rest has to try and repeat it. The “mover” picks a participant who did best to bust a new move.