Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Volume 1 Issue 6 | Page 33

by Dr. Edward Womack Have you allowed people, places or things to drive what is sup- posedly your Destiny or expect- ed outcome in life? Have you allowed others to treat you any way they want to? How does that make you feel? If we’re honest with ourselves, we know it robs us of true joy, fulfillment and happiness. The undisputable reality is while we may have encountered some impressions of what our destiny may be, we also should under- stand it won't materialize without some great demands. We should intentionally pursue what we desire to become our reality. We have the right and the responsibility to Demand our Destiny. We can encounter and/or create new and improved opportunities every day. These opportunities that present themselves may try and disguise themselves as our destiny. Just because it’s easy, just because it comes into our environment, doesn't mean it's necessary for us or will add to the fulfillment of our destiny. Therefore, we must become fully aware of what is required to achieve our destiny and check to make sure that we are plotting the course and committed to per- sist until we achieve that destiny with each one of us. While some of us may have en- countered feedback, suggestions, accusations and maybe even mis- treatment for the things we aspire to create, execute or use to serve others with to make a positive impact on the society of those we love and serve. Our time is NOW and we must begin to Demand Our Destiny. WE must understand why we are here. Upon doing so we must understand why we must demand more of ourselves than we demand of others. If we can't or won't develop a clear vision of exactly what we should represent as our Destiny, chances are we will never receive or achieve it. There are core values and morals that guide us. These core values lead us to our destiny. If we are unclear or murky as to what these values are, what our specific morals are, chances are we will not make the type of demands that lead us to our destiny. While this may sound easy to some of us, in all truth, demands will be made upon us that may not understand, control or enjoy. We must stand fast to the prin- ciples which create our core values. This necessity for clarity demands that you know exact- ly, what those unique guiding principles and values are for each of us. To be unclear or have a cloudy understanding of what our core values are will lead to indecision, frustration, and eventual destruc- tion. At this point, we must take an introspection and look within and decide what we believe in and stand for it. Once clarity of Des- tiny and purpose aka “The Why” has been established, then it becomes easier to make demands of ourselves and those around us, to lead us to our ultimate destiny which may not be easy to achieve, but most certainly worth the journey to get there. What we demand of ourselves and others may require a make- over of those we engage, enter- tain and consult. When we sur- round ourselves with people that are not committed to their core values, you will find they have a microscopic interest in yours. In fact, they may be secretly driven by sources and forces that are diametrically opposed to your vision. In order for us to evolve and grow into our destiny, we must insist that those in our circle of influence are congruent with that ultimate vision and destiny. The closer and nearer we ap- proach our true destiny the more defined it becomes. What we are affected by and impacted by is what will determine what our destiny becomes. That means our core values that affect us and our morals that impact us must be consistent with what we have accepted as the direction of our destiny. As you Demand your Destiny, you must realize that there will be peaks and valleys. When you’ve been to the bottom there is no place to go but up. And when you're at the bottom, if you land on your back, you can look up and if you can look up, you can get up. One key to Demand your Des- tiny, is to no longer surround yourself with negative people. Instead, we must begin to sur- round ourselves with people who believe in our purpose and are willing to work toward manifest- ing it. That includes inspiring, positive thought leaders that are engaging in activities that are propelling us toward our destiny and helping us to achieve theirs as well. Destiny is a place where you were born to be. It is a place that once you arrive you will be ordained, anointed and appoint- ed to be there. Your presence there would not only bless and empower you but will share the same value to those around you. It is paramount that you n ot only demand your destiny, but you do well in that destiny. When you finally reach your true destiny, you will positively impact the lives of those in your family and those in your commu- nity who may depend on it. For you to reach your destined prom- ise, your destined purpose, you must begin walking and working on purpose and when you walk in purpose, your Destiny will have been revealed.