Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Volume 1 Issue 6 | Page 31

Infidelity The Big Pink Elephant Woman on Woman crime. The silent family exterminator. The silent epidemic. Infidelity the big pink elephant in the room that everyone is walk- ing around. Why have we decided to be silent about the number one killer of a woman's self esteem, drive, spirit and family? Is it because WOMEN are the problem?? Have you ever watched a woman go through the devastating affects of infidelity. I have!!!! ME!!!!!! It's like a spiritual disease killing her from the inside out. She can't eat. She can't sleep. She can't even think. Let's not leave out the constant worrying along with the bickering, begging and cover- ing up. Who wants their family and friends to know that the fairy tale has become a nightmare!!!! The shame and embarrassment puts her in her own private prison. A slow silent death of her spirit. Nothing is a bigger distraction to a woman than the other woman. We run around blam- ing men. Saying men are no good and all men are dogs. The problem is who are they being dogs with and who's raising these dogs??? Exact- ly one of us!!!!! An- other woman!!!!!!!! When did it become fashionable to be the other woman?? When did it become ok to sleep with someone else's man? How did we become the prey of a predator with the same face. Why are we choos- ing to consciously destroy another wom- an's family and feel comfortable saying, "it's not my problem, he's the married one, NOT ME." That still makes you a home- wrecker!! Infidelity changes the course of so many lives. It changes a child's destiny. It changes the way a young girl will look at a man when she becomes a woman. It will affect her ability to choose effectively. It will be a major influence on what she thinks a man should be. How do you think she will choose a decent man if she saw her daddy cheat? To a little girl, a father is the first man she will love. He's the first man she thinks is everything. He's the man she will model her choices after when she chooses a man. How will she know what a red flag is when all she's experi- enced were red flags that her dad taught her were normal. How is she supposed to spot disrespect when all she's seen is disrespect for her mother? Our children are growing up in a society where women are no longer concerned about morals, values or digni- ty. Not because they don't care, they just don't know any better because for years infidelity has been the big pink elephant in the room. Ladies, we are a major factor in a young girl's or boy's life. If you come in to their life by way of the other woman, the lesson you're teaching is that it's ok to be second. It's ok to share a man. It's ok to disrupt a house- hold. It's ok to abuse another woman as long as you get the man. What about our sons?? They go out into the world as wrecking-balls to women. Daddy left mommy for another woman, so why should I even get married? I can just be a baby daddy. You got the man, but left his son to be the man of a house before he's even been taught to be a man period. Now the cycle will continue. He will grow up lying, cheating and leaving all because we as women could not say no to another woman's hus- band. It's so much deeper than the fact that you got the man. The destruction you left behind will last for generations. Ladies we have to open our eyes to this horrible epidemic and do better. It's not going to change until we change it!!!!!!! Cheating is a form of abuse and if you are knowingly sleeping with some- one else's husband, boyfriend or fiancé you are an abuser. You think you're not accountable for the mess, but you are. You are just as much of the problem as the man; maybe even more. Not caring is not even supposed to be in our DNA as a woman. We have the power to change the world by simply honoring, guard- ing and respecting each other's RELATIONSHIPS!!!!!!! By just not sleeping with someone else's man. Are we going to keep passing the buck, or are we going to come together in love? Love for each other. Love for the children and most importantly love for ourselves. Ladies, why will men change if we are rewarding their bad behavior by giving them options and fighting each other? Why will they change if WE allow them to have their cake and eat it too? Why would they respect us if we don't even respect each other or ourselves? Women we are our own worst nightmare. Exterminating our own families. Infidelity is a disease and wom- en are the antidote. When will we administer the cure? No more blame game it's time for a major change and the name of the game is ACCOUNTABILI- TY!!! Game Changers Magazine May/Jun 2017- 30