Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Volume 1 Issue 5 | Page 7

Leadership is “RESILIENT” Vivian Angelia Thomas Speaks & Leads Attention! Vivian is speak- ing! Leadership is RESIL- IENT and this Awesome Lady leads with action. She is on a mission to represent her community, families of disparity, and especially children. Vivian acknowl- edges a charge by God to represent those whose voic- es who have been weaken by life challenges and a system filled with more means of punishment than alternatives to success. Innovative, creative, deter- mine, a compelling voice of her community and beyond highlighting good news and willing to take a stand against injustices of human, civil and social rights is how peers of Ms. Thomas describe her. Ms. Thomas is a community leader, a civil rights activ- ist, a volunteer a natural mother of three children and an adopted mother of many children. Ms. Thomas spent many years lobby- ing for equable accessible education for all children. She works daily with professional organizations and state representatives educating the business community, politicians, and the general public on the importance of the educa- tion continuum, from early education thru high school and beyond. A graduate of Georgia State University, a former corpo- rate executive, and educa- tor, this resilient mother has not allowed her meager be- ginning to be an excuse not to succeed. Born in Haw- kinsville, Georgia as the first born of nine, Vivian endured her years of work- ing in the southern fields of cotton, pecans, and vege- tables to help support her family. Having successfully built and managed millions in the coporate arena and as a entrepreneur, she is now semi-retired. As President of Emerging Projects, Mrs. Smith helps others realize and build their dreams as a business coach and devel- oper for others entering into the world of enrepreneur- ship. Ms. Thomas is equipped with the means and vivac- ity to continue her work of influencing governmental policies and regulations administering human rights and smart community de- velopment. She is focused on smart equable economic development which is the key to financially healthy communities resulting in a high quality of living, effi- cient educational system, and more professional jobs. She is often presenting at the Henry County Board of Education and the Henry County Board of Commis- sioners. Vivian stands at the forefront of represent- ing issues identified by the Henry County NAACP, where she serves as First Vice-President. Whether it in the board room, in the streets holding signs at the state capitol or on street in Henry County, look close- ly, Vivian will be there representing the truth. Ms. Thomas has been named twice as one of The 100 Hundred Women of Influ- ence in the state of Georgia by the Atlanta Business League and received the 2017 President’s Award from the NAACP. This visionary continues to propel her causes by serv- ing as First Vice-President of Henry County NAACP, President of AFEE (Amer- icans for Economic Equali- ty), member of, One Hen- ry-Professional Services Committee, and Founder of SeaWe, (Successful Entrepreneurs Achieving Wealth Everyday). Ms. Thomas is received within the community as a leader and trainer with a heart that cares enough to cause her to act. How, when asked? Remembering the guidance of my parents; the strength of love and forgiveness all rooted in my faith in God gives purpose and courage to stand for equable justices for all. Leadership “Leads” in Henry County. Game Changers Magazine Mar/Apr 2017 - 6