the key. If you think it’s necessary,
dedicate one or two members of
your party to the ADDS. (Are you
seeing a pattern here?)
That’s pretty much it for this fight.
Get your chest, sit back a minute
to recharge. Then let’s move on to
“The Lovers.”
Ralena and Vassar
The Lovers
These two are much more difficult
when they’re together. The plan we
go in with is “Divide and Conquer.”
We assign one party member to go
play with Vassar, while the rest of
us take on the tougher half of the
duo, Ralena.
Ralena is an Elementalist, Vassar
is a Mesmer. They complement
each other greatly. With level 80
characters, the fight is usually not
difficult. You’ll run into problems
if they teleport back to each other,