Gaiscioch Magazine Issue 1 | Page 47

flames in every direction. Then he muttered an ancient incantation and all went black. Suddenly, they found themselves battered nearly to death, wounded and hiding behind the crumbling pillars. An unnatural, vicelike grip of fear had found them. Wounded and afraid, the group had lost direction. Scattered and unable to communicate, none were willing to stand and fight. Then Maggie began to get angry. How dare this ancient dead king hold Ascalon hostage. She began to draw upon her anger. Looking over at Terri, she was also able to draw on the love she felt from Terri’s scared smile. Finally able to face the fear, she stood up. “I’m here your majesty,” she shouted with all the derision and insult she could put into her tone of voice, “Why don’t you come and fight me like a man, instead of a spoiled child?” Bones peered around his pillar to see what affect her impertinence had. He was pleasantly surprised the king had turned toward her and had begun to glow with a newfound rage. Not to be outdone by the smaller human female, he stood and added his own challenge. “No, fight me, I’m stronger than that little girl you’re so angry with.” Not to be outdone, Harry the Charr Ranger let loose an arrow that struck the King in humiliating fashion, right on the backside. The king turned toward him just in time to meet a fireball from Terri. He directed his sword at Terri and as the flames lashed out and struck her face, she went down. Maggie became enraged. Drawing her twin axes, she jumped at the king and began hacking and pounding him with all her might. Bones desperately shielded her from the King with what magic he had left. Mellen sent his minions to replenish her life force. Harry kept firing arrows, all the while wearing down the King’s defenses. Garm joined in the fray, as did Precious, putting their bodies between the king and Maggie. Terri lay motionless on the edge of the platform. Eir and Rytlock guarded her body while watching the amazing fight before them. Maggie, hair aflame, face red, eyes glowing with the madness of love kept up her attack. The dog and kitten guarding her from the flaming sword. The Guardian protecting her from the King’s spells. The Ranger firing arrow after arrow, setting trap after trap. The Necromancer sending poisons into the King. Suddenly, Maggie sensed weakness in her opponent. The fire in his sword slowly shrank until it became a cold, dark shadow of itself. This drove her ever forward, axes flashing, until suddenly, with a piteous cry, the King fell. With a final leap, Maggie severed his head from his body. His po