The Legend Behind the server
By: Benjamin Foley
or many of us that knew
him, he was a father to us.
His voice was inspirational,
his words meaningful, and his
playful attitude provided endless
laughs for thousands. It’s very
rare to run across a person who
just by being there shapes not
only a conversation and attitude of
hundreds, but also brightens even
the darkest moments.
That was Roger “Oldroar” Rall for
you. He wasn’t always a member
of Gaiscioch. He originally was a
Tuatha Alliance member from the
Council of Shenanigans. He played
there with his friends Holimoli
and Prissy who was known as
Doctorfixit back then. Prissy and
Oldroar became Trinity leaders in
our family’s RvR events taking the
helm of hundreds at a time in a 3
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