Gainesville Living Holiday 2023 | Page 21

to share plants with friends . Divide perennials when plants are dormant just before a new growth season . Be sure to retain sufficient rhizomes , tubers , or roots . These will supply the immediate nutritional needs of the divided plant until it can establish roots .
Cool season plants such as pansies , violas , snapdragons , dianthus , ornamental cabbage , kale , sweet alyssum and petunias can provide amazing color for your landscape when the temperatures turn cooler . Another plant is Winter Honeysuckle which will blend in with other bushes in your yard during most of the year but will shine with fragrant white blooms during the Holiday season . Many bulbs and perennials need to be planted during the cooler months to be ready to shine in the Spring .
Be aware of which plants may be more susceptible to cold temperatures and add extra protection during times of extreme temperatures . You can do this by wrapping it in tarps or light blankets to protect from frost . You might also consider taking cuttings of plants to propagate and provide extra care over the winter . You can find more information regarding propaganda at https :// aggiehorticulture . tamu . edu / ornamental / a-reference-guide-to-plant-carehandling-andmerchandising / propaga�ng-foliage-floweringplants /
Don ’ t forget to relocate potted plants that are not cold hardy . Plants that are potted are more susceptible to cold temperatures because they lack the insulation that the ground soil provides . Plants may drop leaves due to a lack of sunlight but should survive and will replace their leaves . Tropical plants need to be placed indoors in a warmer area of the home , preferably near a window where they can receive the sunlight they require .
Texas A & M AgriLife Extension Service has many resources available to help gardeners regardless of what season it is . Many resources are available at http :// aggiehorticulture . tamu . edu . If you have any questions , please contact our office at 940-668-5412 and we can put you in touch with a horticulturalist with specific knowledge of the plants that thrive in North Texas .