Gainesville Living Holiday 2023 | Page 13

Tis the Season to Shop Local


It ’ s the holiday season again and , all through Gainesville , local stores are getting ready for the shoppers . “ The holiday season is the most exciting time of the year in retail , and we spend all year preparing for these few months ,” said Laura Otts , who runs the Ten Twenty Five Collection and Otts Furniture with her husband , Barry . “ We offer extended hours , have extra employees in the store and bulk up our inventory with a focus on seasonal decor and giftable items in preparation for the busy shopping season .”

Each store does their part to encourage holiday cheer and help find the perfect gift idea , many of which are specially unique to Gainesville and Cooke County .
“ For the holiday season , Vantage Point tries to emphasize the message that handcrafted artwork is a great gift option ,” said gallery owner Katie Brinkley . “ It ’ s unique and when you think about the time and passion that artists put into their work makes the gift so much more meaningful compared to a mass produced product .”
“ The holiday season is our favorite for events in the store and over the 20 years we ’ ve been in business , we ’ ve continued to add more events . For years , I ’ ve used the holiday season as a way to really celebrate Gainesville and encourage people to shop small and shop locally ,” said Paige Davidson , who owns Cahoots Handbags . “ Each year I create special Gainesville watercolor pieces and prints to sell or give to customers . I also make ceramic Christmas ornaments with local landmarks like Sandy ’ s Snoball stand . Historically those have been available Thanksgiving weekend , but this year , I ’ m making the locally themed items available throughout the holidays to give more people a chance to get one .”
From the long timers like Cahoots Handbags to the newcomers , everyone is excited to see what the holiday season will bring .
“ It ’ s the first season for us ,” said Cassie Westover , who owns Kayson ’ s Candy Company with her family . “ We don ’ t really know what to expect , but we have had such an outpouring of support from our community , that I think we ’ re going to be successful .”
Store owners are also trying to encourage people to be local and shop local . “ I feel it is so important for people to shop local because the local businesses are the ones that are giving back to the community . We support lots of local school activities , non-profit organizations , fundraising events and more ,” said Kristin Nanney , who runs Hunkey Dorie . “ Our store is filled with 22 local small businesses . So , you are not only shopping local , you are also supporting 22 small woman-owned businesses .”
These retailers pay taxes , which get circulated back into the local economy to support schools , pave roads , pay for public safety and the like .
“ Not many know that we are taxed not only for our building , but for our inventory . If we do not move our inventory , then we are taxed again . And all sales tax you pay stays in our community to improve our community ,” said Lana Wiese , who runs the store Wieses with her husband , Jack . They will celebrate 29 years in business this November . “ So if each person and family in Gainesville shopped one store downtown that they never been in before just to see what that store had to offer , it would make a difference in our community .” The benefits of being local extend beyond money . “ When you shop locally , in addition to that special personal service and treats , you also build community . It is always so heartwarming to hear people catching up with one another in our shop , asking about one another ’ s families . You know that the money you are