GAELIC SPORTS WORLD Issue 5 - July 17, 2014 | Page 3

CONTENT MAIN STORY NEW YORK GIRLS CAPTURE IRISH TITLE 5-7 The came, they saw, they conquered. Our main story recalls how the NY U14 Girls Gaelic Football team travelled across the Atlantic to the West of Ireland, and went home with an Irish Underage title, and did it with style. USA 9 - 21 Continuing Gaelic Sports news from Boston, Indianapolis, North Carolina’s Connelly Cup, an in-depth report on the St. Louis Hurling League Final, and preview of next week’s North American CYC GAA Youth tournament. ASIA 22 - 23 Mark Dowdall reports on the come-back North Asia Games in Seoul. South Korea. AUSTRALIA 24 - 30 Catherine Fleming reports on the New South Wales GAA League Final in Sydney where all four title holders were going for repeats, and we bring you the lowdown on the final rounds of Queensland GAA League from Brisbane, Australia. EUROPE ITALY V FRANCE 31 - 33 Nope, not in soccer but in Gaelic Football, we take a look at this first ever international in the code. Then it’s time for some summer fun with a Beach Gaelic tourney in sunny Galicia, Spain, and another first for this growing GAA region. BRITAIN 36 - 42 Two London teams went to the Feile U14’s in Ireland, one picked up second spot the other won. London GAA CDA with the teams, Lloyd Colfer, gives us the details. IRELAND FOOTBALL 43 Tommy Moran ponders numbers in his latest piece on Gaelic Football in Ireland. GAA AND BUSINESS 44 - 45 In a new monthly series highlighting the relationships between the GAA and business, Rob Hartnet reflects on the Garth Brooks Concerts debacle. FRENCH BLOG 46 - 47 This time ‘Exclusive’ to Gaelic Sports World, French native Cyril Iordanidis reviews the Gaelic Football action during the month of July when talking about the Inter-Provincial finals scene in Munster, Leinster and Ulster … Tout en français! IRELAND HURLING 48 Denis O’Brien reviews the recent plethora of hurling games in Ireland in the All Ireland drive towards Jones Road this September. COACHING CORNER 49 Joe Trolan, GAA Coach and sports academic, considers the best practical approach to giving young players an understanding of a new game. 3