GAELIC SPORTS WORLD Issue 28 – June 20, 2015 | Page 12

Austin Ladies celebrate. Photo: Brendan O’Sullivan/Austin Celtic Cowboys. LADIES DOUBLE MEN’S B SHIELD The Ladies B final showcased Austin’s depth of roster. Although Dallas earned a significant early lead, points from a variety of new and upcoming Austin players kept the team in the match, with Dallas up by just 1-5 to 0-6 at the half. Dallas put similar numbers on the board in the second period, but Austin upped their pace, delivering four goals and nine more points for a decisive win, 4-15 to 2-10. Austin’s speedy Jenna Goodrich earned Lady of the Match with solid play that included a handful of points and assists. CELTIC COWBOYS SAN ANTONIO 5-11 1-05 Austin played their fourth and final game of the day against San Antonio in the Men’s B shield. With 3 victories already in the bag the pressure was against a solid San Antonio squad. Both teams gave their all with Austin proving stronger in the second half. DALLAS CLAIM THE MEN’S B TROPHY MEN’S FOOTBALL A SHIELD HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO 3-20 2-08 The Men’s