G3 Magazine Edition 3 | Page 70

G3 Magazine/movies/ The amazing spiderman 2 Meanwhile Max, thinking that he is now best friends with Spider-Man, begins to idolize him in every way possible. But Max is attacked by genetically modified electric eels while he’s attending to a maintenance problem in one of the laboratories at the Oscorp Tower. The attack from the eels left him to mutate into a living electric generator.In Peter’s attempts to maintain a friendship with Gwen; she reveals she may be move to England for school. Before they can discuss it, Max wanders into Times Square and accidentally causes a blackout. Spider-Man attempts to calm him down, but the police fire at Max, and Spider-Man’s resulting rescue of the endangered citizen’s draws media attention away from Max, making him lose his temper and attack. Spider-Man eventually stops him, and Max is taken to 70 G3 Magazine Revencroft Institute. When the first symptoms of Harry’s illness show, he discovers that the only thing that can safe him, is Spider-Man’s blood! Harry decides to ask Peter to help him find Spider-Man due to him always selling pictures of Spidey to the Daily Bugle. Peter attempts to dissuade him, unsure of what effects the transfusion would have, and although he does come to Harry as Spider-Man, he still refuses, and Harry develops an intense hatred towards Spider-Man. The member from Oscorp decides to frame Harry for covering up Max’s accident, and remove him as CEO. Harry’s assistant, Felicia, informs him of equipment that could help him. Now more detriment than ever, Harry sets out to find Max, now known as Electro to help him get back inside of Oscorp. Inside the secret facility he gets his hands on a suit of armour and ISSUE 3 other equipment made by Norman, as well as venom from the now-destroyed genetically altered spiders. At first the venom seems to cure him, but after a while he discovers that the venom is actually accelerating his illness and transforms him into a hideous, goblin-like creature. He then puts on the suit that he found, and with its build in emergency protocol restores his health. Peter uses information left by his father to locate the video message in an abandoned subway station’s hidden lab. Richard explains he had to leave because he refused to cooperate with Norman Osborn’s biogenetic weaponization plans. Peter then hears a voicemail from Gwen, telling him she was offered the scholarship in England and is heading to the airport earlier than expected. He decides to stop Gwen from leaving and catches