Our team created a survey that was
focused mainly on the way which social
media affects us in our daily lives and the
negative ways it may impacts us. We
included the main questions that would
help us with our analysis. We interviewed
21 people in total, the first question being,
“Do you use social media?” The statistics
obtained where that 95.2% (20 people)
did use social media and 4.8% (1 person)
did not use social media, in addition we
included the next question, “Has your
privacy ever been violated because of
social media?” 61.9% (13 people)
answered no and 38.1% (8 people)
answered yes. With these answers we are
able to see
that has had
their privacy
because of social media. The next
question that we have is “Have you ever
been cyber bullied through social
media?” 66.7 %(14 people) answered no
and 33.3% (7 people) answered yes. We
continued with our survey asking, “What
social media do you use the most?” the
options were: Snapchat 23.8% (5 people),
Facebook 4.8% (1 person), Twitter 0%,
Instagram 57.1% (12 people) and others
14.3% (3 people). From this questions´
answers we were able to analyze that the
social media most used by the majority of
the participants is Instagram which is 12
people whereas twitter is the least used
social media with 0% usage from people.
The next question was “About how many
hours a day do you spend on social
media?” the options were 0-1 hours 4,8%
(1 person), 1-2 hours 23,8% (5 people), 2-
3 hours 28,6% (6 people), over 3 hours
42,9% (9 people) the results obtained
helped us analyze that the majority of
people use social media for over three
hours and the remaining use social media
for an approximate of 2 hours. After
having questions that were mostly
multiple choice and classified as closed
questions we decided to include open
questions that would help us obtain a
better analysis, one of these questions
being “Has social media ever prevented
any tasks? If
yes explain
from these open questions was harder to
obtain, but it did allow us to analyze more
areas of what people thought; 5 people
answered no and the remainder (16
people) answered yes, it did keep them
from completing tasks such as homework
because they often got sidetracked.
Another open question was “Does social
media ever affect your sleeping
schedule? If so what time?” For this
question 12 people answered that social
media did not interrupt their sleeping
schedule and the other 9 people said,
”yes” it interrupted their sleeping
schedule. The last question we included in
order to complete our social media