rich gentlemen. Unfortunately no, Tesla lived in a time when the market demanded profitable and product-able ideas. Tesla’s innovations were not incremental, they were outright revolutionary. The acquisitiveness for money and greed plagued Tesla’s career, and he spent majority of his time being broke. In addition, Tesla also suffered with a disorder what we refer to as “insanity”.
Tesla often hallucinated and could not often differentiate between reality and fantasy, which is why he spent years working in his laboratory alone. Tesla died a broke man, in his NYC apartment where he was on diet of milk and Nabisco crackers. His only friend during this troubled time was a pigeon he fed during his walks in the park.
Living on crackers and talking to pigeons. THAT was Tesla’s reward for all the things he did for humanity. Dear Nikola Tesla, I am sorry.......I am really, really sorry.
You are a man displaced in time; an Archimedes, Steve Woznick , the Tony Stark of the 19th century. You were the greatest geek who ever lived, in a time when human-race was crappier than usual.