"A good book is one
of the finest things
the world has to offer"
Books are one of humanity’s greatest achievements. They enshrine and spread knowledge across generations and frontiers. Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press revolutionized the world. Mass production of books was a – if not the --- decisive step on the way to the modern age.
Though most of them are (still) made of paper, books are powerful weapons. Take the philosophical writings of the Enlightenment. They had a major impact on French revolution and spread of democratic principles across Europe and the world.
Bans on books and book-burnings show just how much authoritarian regime fear the dissemination of ideas in the printed form. Yet the power of written thought cannot be broken. Succumb to fascination of
the printed word,
and books will
open up whole
new worlds to
you, even as
you sit in an
in comfort
of your