FY2019 Arlington Fire Department Annual Report FY 2019 | Page 26
Training for
Modern Fire Dy
The Department evaluated
continuing education proces
procedures to ensure that the m
of-art procedures were being tau
formed Fire Instructor Team, th
training series called Modern F
discussed the ever-changing e
There was a formal classroom a
subject-matter experts to our fi
chief officers and mutual aid cit
then replicated its training to the
classroom instruction, laborato
burning a “dollhouse” for each
behavior and to discuss struc
Flashover Chamber
Fire Training purchased a Drager Phase 1 Survival Training
System. This training tool allows us to use live fire and smoke
in a controlled environment to observe fire behavior and learn
to recognize conditions as they approach the very dangerous
point of flashover. Firefighters also learn about the use and
limitations of their structural firefighting protective clothing and
self-contained breathing apparatus.