FY2012 Arlington Fire Department Annual Report FY 2012 | Page 17
Newsletter Title
Page 17
Other Activities
While several AFD programs were making a difference in our
community, the AFD team also experienced many other major
events. The AFD Special Events team managed another World
Series along with another 171 special events. The Office of
Emergency Management and Dispatch teams led a local effort
to conduct the first national emergency alert test. The AFD
team helped lead the emergency response and recovery effort
after an EF2 tornado touched down. We dealt with two train
derailments, one train crash, the West Nile Virus emergency
public health effort, and of course, a multitude of fires, extrications, medical responses, special
operations, and many other types of logistical and emergency response operations very few fire
departments will ever experience. For instance, the AFD sent two EOD canine teams to the Republic
National Convention in Tampa, Florida to help our federal partners protect the nation’s leaders.
Working Together to Make Arlington Better.