Popular Annual Financial Report FY23 / 21
Arlington Water Utilities Recognized for Equity and Water Conservation Programs
Arlington Water Utilities brought home two statewide awards in 2023 , including the Diversity , Equity and Inclusion Award from the Water Environment Association of Texas . The award highlights the department ’ s efforts to provide equitable access to opportunities in the water industry . That work includes an internship initiative that addresses the workforce development needs of young people aging out of the foster care program and adults from traditionally underrepresented groups .
Arlington Water also received an award for the Lake Arlington Native Plant and Pollinator Garden , a demonstration garden and outreach project . More than 100 volunteers have taken part in activities at the site in the first year .
Arlington Public Library selected for national NASA @ My Library Bilingual Eclipse Opportunities
The Arlington Public Library was selected to participate in NASA @ My Library , an education initiative created to increase and enhance STEAM ( science , technology , engineering , arts and math ) learning opportunities for library patrons . As a NASA @ My Library Partner , the Arlington Public Library will receive a kit in both English and Spanish that contains items such as a 4.5 ” Dobsonian telescope with solar observing add-on , two Sunspotters , the Moon Bear Shadow activity and more .
NASA @ My Library will create compelling learning experiences for the community and share the story , science and adventure of NASA ’ s scientific explorations of planet Earth , our solar system and the universe beyond .
Also in 2023
• The Arlington Public Library went fine-free at the beginning of FY23 , joining hundreds of libraries across the country in removing fines to help eliminate financial barriers and provide more equitable service .
• The Arlington Public Library first made Chromebooks available in 2021 to help close the digital divide in our community . Now they offer more than 200 Chromebooks which have been checked out more than 2,000 times .