FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report | Page 23

Troy Williams Chief Equity Officer
After a national search , Troy Williams was hired in July as the City ’ s new Chief Equity Officer . His role includes planning , developing and administering the City ’ s diversity , equity and inclusion engagement initiatives . Williams also oversees the City ’ s Office of Business Diversity and the Housing and Community Development Grants Unit .
Williams ’ efforts have been focused on reaching out to broad crosssections of the community to include underserved communities and populations , minority business enterprises , non-profits , philanthropic entities , the faith community and other stakeholders . He has also met with the Mayor ’ s advisory councils , including the Latino , Black , Education and LBGTQ constituent groups . In response to recent surveys at the Aging Well Expo , he assisted the mayor to establish an Advisory Council on Aging .
Williams has also been working to implement policy changes within government that will remove barriers for MWBEs attempting to do business with the City . Additionally , Williams worked with the Housing and Community Development Grants Unit to broaden the scope of services delivered to underserved communities throughout Arlington .
Based upon the evolving needs of the community , the Unity Council is also looking beyond race and ethnicity to also address the needs of other underserved populations throughout the city . More specifically , the Unity Council is now being more intentional in addressing the needs of the LGBTQ , seniors and physically challenged / disabled communities . Data and recommendations addressing these additional segments of the population , as well as an update of the race and ethnicity analysis , will be included in the Unity Council ’ s report to the City Council in summer of 2023 .
The City of Arlington ’ s Office of Communication worked in 2022 to Build Unity through its three-year Diversity Communications and Outreach Plan . In addition to highlighting the City ’ s implementation of Unity Council recommendations , the City also worked to grow its award-winning Ciudad de Arlington Facebook page to create more engagement with Spanishspeaking residents .
The social media account gained more than 5,000 followers in its first year by providing interesting , informative and timely articles , graphics and videos in Spanish about news and events happening in one of the most diverse cities in America . Nearly 30 % of Arlington ’ s residents are Hispanic / Latino and the second most spoken language in the community is Spanish , according to the latest census data .
Additionally , 2022 was the first year that all graphics for the City ’ s “ Facebook Live Budget in Action ” campaign were produced in Spanish and shared with residents through Ciudad de Arlington . This new Spanish-language series , which garnered more than 10,000 views , is designed to make it easy for residents to understand the City ’ s $ 597 million operating budget and the investments planned for roads , sidewalks and other public infrastructure , parks , public safety , libraries and other neighborhood services .
Popular Annual Financial Report FY22
23 23 City of Arlington , Texas