FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report | Page 16

Also in FY22

ENHANCE Regional Mobility

Mobility projects take on many different looks in Arlington , but the goal is always the same – to improve the lives of our residents . In FY22 , City crews completed a number of major street projects , which included rebuilding a section of Calendar Road as well as five residential streets . While building roads to the future , the City also invested in technology designed to take us there more efficiently and safely . These are just some of the ways we continue to Enhance Regional Mobility .
The City Council voted to continue the citywide Via ondemand , rideshare public transportation service for an additional two years and expand the service so passengers can get to and from a Trinity Metro bus stop located on Eastchase Parkway in Fort Worth .
Via Rideshare , which launched in 2017 , has helped residents , students and visitors reach neighborhoods , shopping centers , offices , restaurants , medical facilities and other key destinations across city . The service also helps riders get to and from the CentrePort TRE Station , where they can connect with commuter trains to Dallas , Fort Worth and beyond .
In 2022 , the Federal Aviation Administration designated the Arlington Municipal Airport as a national airport . This designation increased the amount of funding available and enhances the City ’ s competitiveness for federal funding . The airport is now one of 14 national airports in Texas and one of 107 in the U . S .

Also in FY22

• The Arlington Municipal Airport received a $ 540,000 grant from President Biden ’ s bipartisan Infrastructure Law to replace aging HVAC infrastructure with more reliable , energy-efficient units .
• Arlington constructed ADA-compliant paths along select Downtown streets and along Nathan Lowe Road to increase pedestrian mobility and accessibility .
• The City completed roadway and infrastructure improvements on portions of these residential streets in East Arlington : Brookshire Street , Catalo Lane , Hensley Street , Randolph Street and Stonegate Street .