30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
March 2020
March is going to be very busy as well, starting with
the wrap up of the Viper winter series. Tuesday the
3rd is Super Tuesday in the primaries, so don’t
forget to vote and that night we host the Playground
Area Corvette Club. The Son’s of Italy will be here
on Thursday the fifth and we have a birthday party
in the lounge on Saturday the seventh.
From the Office
February was another great month at
FWYC. We hosted two decent sized
Viper regattas, repaired the drainage
problem and installed a new
downspout on the southwest corner
of the building near the lounge,
installed a new boat ramp and hosted
several successful events. The
repairs to the downspout make the
sidewalk much cleaner and much
safer as there is no longer a slick
surface to walk over and no longer a
dark puddle on the walkway.
Letter Log
General Manager
Tom Garner
The dining room has been more crowded with our Two
Can Dine for $29.99 dinner special. Everyone loved the
smoked ribs night. The Valentine dinner was well
attended, and we had a packed house. Alan Chapman
playing in the dining room was a big plus for drawing
more members into the dining room.
On Friday March 13th we will have a new member
meet and greet. The club will be providing a free
dinner to all attendees. We hope to recognize and
reintroduce all new members for the past couple of
years. That is going to be, quite a few people, which
is great for the club. Saturday the 14th we will be
hosting the West Point graduates celebrating their
Founders Day ceremony. Sunday the 15th, we will
have a Mongolian BBQ at the club as we wrap up
the Sandy Zevin Memorial winter series. Tuesday
the 17th is St. Patrick’s Day and we will of course
have corned beef specials in the lounge that night.
Friday the 20th, we will have our annual Sock
Burning Party followed by an Oyster Roast and fish
fry. The next week we host the Flying Scot
Midwinters, and this is going to be a huge event
with close to fifty boats and their crews here for the
entire week. I am worn out just thinking about it
because right away, we start the month of April and
Wednesday night fun racing.
The club finances continue to do well and the increase in
membership last year has played a major role in helping
the numbers improve. It is exciting to see all the new
faces at our events and the new members are enjoying all We’re glad to have Sandra back after her knee
aspects of the club. They have added a new level of
replacement surgery. If you see anything that is
resources available to help with decorating the club,
broke or needs attention, please let us know.
assisting on race committee and utilizing the dining
facilities of the club. Our main goal this year in the office
is to continue marketing the club to potential members. It
is an easy sell when potential members look at our
Facebook page and see all the activities that are going on
at the club. Our club is always busy.
We are particularly pleased with how good the club
looks. Mike Swackhammer (Outside Maintenance) and
Mike Harrington (Inside Janitorial) take great pride in the
work that they do, and it shows. We are lucky to have a
team that cares about the way the club appears to our
members and our guests. One of the first comments
people have when they visit our club is how nice it looks.