FWYC Letter Log March 2014 | Page 10

Page 10 Each month, Commodore Bobby Dewrell will wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our members who have birthdays in that month. We’re catching up this month for January, February, and March! March February Michael Sofarelli Jack Caldwell Bill Geyer February 1 Bailey Howard Al Stearns February 1 January Mel Schudmak Bob Andrews February 3 Faye Black January 2 Greg Buchanan Luanne Purvis February 4 Barbara Harrington January 2 Judith Stevens Paul Yergens February 4 Judy Williams January 3 Pat Tye Ronald Davenport February 6 Rocky DeSimone January 5 Jim Serpa Ralph Calhoun February 8 Don Wigston January 5 Gregory Piacente Steve Gilmore February 8 Michael Meade January 8 Elizabeth Holden Ben Levi February 9 Ron Hankins January 12 James Ready Bob Curry February 10 Tom Morris January 13 Haydon Grubbs Robert Harrison February 10 Janus Janczewski January 14 Cynthia Johnson Sam Pritchett February 10 Charles King January 14 Rick Webb Ann Stewart February 10 Beth Wagner January 18 Karen David Wraith Drake February 12 Lana Wargo January 20 Leonard Rayburn Shirley Huey February 14 Jennifer Ballard January 21 Bert Rice Al Corbin February 16 Mike Rudy January 22 William Sherman Jack Petry February 17 Richard Wells January 22 Carol Stearns Reddoch Williams February 18 Lisa Struck January 26 Beth Wimberly Steve Peterson February 19 Mark Fisher January 27 George Bowen David Vaughan February 20 Diane Wells January 28 Donna Curry Tom Garner February 21 Christal Sofarelli January 31 Charles Scott John Wargo February 21 Jennifer Theil Leonard Stephens February 24 Mickey La Garde Catherine Howton February 26 Jennifer Grant Kerrie Serpa February 26 Patricia Pritchett Lora DeSimone February 27 Sam Grant We need your help so that we can obtain everyone’s birthday. If your Peter Lind birthday day is in January, February or March and your name was Tom Hill omitted from the birthday’s list, please call the office at (243-7102) so Mike Newell that we can update our list. It’s worth a FREE DRINK to you! Carl Swarg HELP! March 4 March 5 March 6 March 8 March 9 March 10 March 10 March 13 March 14 March 15 March 15 March 16 March 17 March 18 March 19 March 19 March 19 March 19 March 19 March 20 March 21 March 21 March 22 March 22 March 25 March 26 March 26 March 27 March 27 March 29 March 30 March 30 THANK YOU to All who have made Donations! ECSA Needs Your Help! Please consider making a tax deductible donation to ECSA. ECSA is the lifeblood of the youth and adult sailing programs at FWYC. Your donation will insure that ECSA can continue their efforts! It’s easy - Make a check out to ECSA and drop it in the ECSA box in the FWYC Office. You will receive a letter from ECSA for your tax records. ~ Fort Walton Yacht Club, Established in 1951 ~