FWYC Letter Log LL_201808 | Page 19

Fort Walton Yacht Club Letter Log August 2018 30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W We love our FWYC fur babies, but please remember to pick up after your pets while visiting the Club. And this means all FWYC property such as the Point. FWYC Hosts Statewide Florida Commodores Association Past Commodores from clubs across the state gathered in Fort Walton Beach in July for business meetings of the Florida Commodores Association (FCA) and the FCA Foundation which promotes youth sailing and educa- tion. The Florida Commodores Association is an incor- porated association of Past Commodores and current Flag Officers from eighteen yacht clubs in Florida. The FCA provides for the exchange of information among clubs on a statewide basis. Its educational program is designed to improve the quality of leadership in yacht clubs by providing instruction in the proper functioning of clubs and the customs and courtesies of yachting. To that end, they meet regularly as a group each quarter. The Fort Walton Yacht Club hosted the statewide FCA meeting on Saturday July 21st. The Keynote Speaker was CDR Matthew Derrenbach- er who directly oversees Search and Rescue, Marine Environmental Protection, Living Marine Resourc- es, Maritime Law Enforcement, and Maritime Safety and Security operations for the US Coast Guard Mo- bile Sector. We were both informed and entertained by CDR Derrenbacher as he told often amusing and sometimes somber anecdotes to illustrate his message about safety on the water. After the business meetings, the group was honored with a presentation and tour of the Air Force Armament Museum hosted by Col Ed Hubbard USAF (Ret), President of the Board of Directors of the museum. Col Hub- bard gave a talk intended to cause us to view our lives in a positive way and to appre- ciate the blessings of liberty. The evening featured a cocktail hour and a deli- cious dinner followed by music and dancing to Al- len Chapman’s guitar. The meeting was open to all FWYC Members and many choose to attend to hear the speakers, enjoy the fellowship and help host our out of town guests. 19