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In Port
Greetings to everyone as we enter
into the main part of summer!
School is out now or soon will be,
and whether or not you have schoolage family members, you may be
looking for summertime activities.
This is a time of year when we have
the opportunity to take advantage of
all the activities that our area offers.
FWYC is in a wonderful location
that can be your launching point for water-based
activities all around Choctawhatchee Bay and the
Panhandle. You can also participate in the many Club
and community activities that FWYC will host, or be a
part of, over the next few months. I encourage you all
to take part and enjoy!
We’ll also soon be making repairs and modifications to
our docks; I ask for your understanding and cooperation
as we move ahead with this project. Our Dockmaster,
P/C David Vaughan, and I will work with slip occupants
to manage the boat movements necessary for the work
on the docks. We’ll also be doing some maintenance
on the roof of the clubhouse in the coming weeks.
I look forward to enjoying summertime activities with
you all at the Club. See you there!
Vice Commodore Jerry Vaughan
[email protected]
Summer certainly has its advantages, but it also brings
the possibility of hurricanes. It’s important that we all
be prepared in case one of them visits us.
If you have a boat in a wet slip or dry
storage, please make sure you have
reviewed the FWYC Hurricane Preparation
Plan, that you have a plan for what you will
do in case of a storm, and that all the
necessary supplies and equipment are
available to you. P/C Phyllis Seaton and
Cathy Jones have reviewed and updated the
Plan and I’m sure would appreciate your
interest. Even if you don’t have a boat or
other water toy at the Club, I do hope you’ll
be sure to have your own personal plans
ready in case of a storm – we want everyone
to be safe.
I was out-of-town for virtually all of April
and part of May, but thankfully, during that
time Jennifer and Sam Grant made good
progress in creating the fascia of a new
front gate for the Club. Ron Hankins is
working on the metal framework to which
it will be mounted. We hope to be able to
install the gate soon; my thanks again to all
who have contributed their time and efforts.
~ Fort Walton Yacht Club, Established in 1951 ~
When you see P/C
Dave Vaughan,
give him a huge
doing some much
needed roof repairs
due to damage
from the 28 March