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The Florida Council of Yacht Clubs
As many of you know, our Club is a member of the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs (FCYC).
This membership keeps us aware of happenings in other member clubs, gives us an ear,
and a voice, on what is taking place in the legislature that may impact our Club. In addition,
our membership in FCYC affords our regular members reciprocal privileges at other
member clubs. This means that you have the ability to charge your food and drink to your FWYC club number
and receive one free night of dockage at the various clubs. More information and detail about the FCYC can
be found at or you can contact one
of your Directors... Tom Reynolds or Reddoch Williams.
Reddoch and I went to
the Tarpon Springs Yacht Club
( for the FCYC meeting in May. Somewhat
smaller than FWYC with a membership of 81 (162 family members), it is a
beautiful club and really worthy of a visit if you are going that way. It was quite
a challenge for them to serve a plated sit-down dinner for over 200 attendees..
they did it well. Approaches to the docks are pretty shallow so you should call ahead and verify that you can
get in.
Royal Palm Yacht Club has withdrawn from FCYC because they no longer meet the requirements for FCYC
membership. They hope to reapply for membership when they finally have a club house. The FCYC has asked
that the Royal Palm Yacht Club burgee be removed from the constellation of FCYC burgees.
The Speaker at the General Meeting, Bill McMahon, “How to Market Yacht Clubs,” gave an extensive
overview of what many clubs are doing to grow their membership.... high on the list was … make it a family
place! Many clubs are expanding their facilities and adding family friendly activities and events. Although
sailing, boating, yachting is a primary activity, with more and more members aging, it becomes attractive to
offer additional activities for children and grandchildren. Also of crucial importance was having a long range
strategic plan for the growth/expansion of the club and its facilities.
For those of you who may be venturing southward, the FCYC Cruising Guide is available in the Office. See
Sandra for a copy.
The next meeting will be 11-12 July 2014, St. Charles Yacht Club, Fort Meyers , FL. If you have comments
or questions that you would like addressed at FCYC please let us know.
P/C Tom Reynolds, FCYC Director
[email protected]
Reddoch Williams, FCYC Alternate Director
[email protected]
~ Fort Walton Yacht Club, Established in 1951 ~