FWYC Letter Log July 2014 | Page 3

Page 3 The Commodore’s Corner Greetings: With our wonderful, diverse group of members, the Fort Walton Yacht Club moves forward and improves every month, expanding activities, and working for the betterment of all members. It takes all members, working together to strengthen our organization. When we look for ways to better our club through recruitment or in club participation, there isn't one of us with the perfect idea. By working together, by building off oneanother's ideas we will end up with better solutions that are sustainable for us. Welcome Aboard New Members David and Peggy Reiter Scott Clark Welcome Back Rob Brown As we move through our summer months and activities, let's focus on what makes us stronger. My challenge to each of you is to perform a random act of kindness for a fellow member. Find someone that has not been to the club in a while and invite them down. Offer to pick them up and bring them. Provide some words of encouragement to our fellow members and volunteers. Look for opportunities to engage in new things at the club. And above all, as we see the turmoil in the world around us, let us be thankful for what we have! Commodore Bobby Dewrell [email protected] Letter Log Advertising Rates Per Month Per Year Business Card $ 5.00 $ 60.00 ¼ Page $12.00 $130.00 ½ Page $24.00 $260.00 Full Page $48.00 $560.00 Call the FWYC office to place your ad 850-243-7102 Support our Letter Log advertisers when you can. ~ Fort Walton Yacht Club, Established in 1951 ~