Fort Walton Yacht Club Letter Log
30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
Rear Commodore Gina Gammick
Email: [email protected]
HELLO FELLOW FORT WALTON YACHT CLUB MEMBERS! First, I’d like to thank everyone
for electing me to be the 2019 Rear Commodore. I moved away in 2009 and have missed
the club ever since. It’s great to be in the seat again & I’m looking forward to the great
times over the next year. Also, thank you to the folks who are volun-
teering their time and energy to ensure a successful (and fun-filled)
year. Below are the committee chairs. Over the next few months, I’ll
showcase the teams & give you a little peak into the programs we’re
putting in place.
Welcoming Committee Chair: Jerry Vaughan
Historical Committee Chair: Lynne Reynolds
Entertainment Committee Chair: Gina Gammick and Chris Washack
Publicity Committee Chair: Gina Gammick and Chris Washack
There’s still ample opportunity to jump on this bandwagon! Everyone’s welcome…especially
if you haven’t volunteered in the past…or it’s been a looong time, please, join our team. I
LOVE fresh ideas and creative concepts. Speaking of fresh and creative…
Looking forward to the FWYC Wine Tasting on January 12 from 7:30 to 9pm. This signa-
ture event is brought to you by Brooke Harrison and Tucker McPherson with support from
Mike Kelly and Beach Liquors. The evening will showcase six wines from St. Supery Estates,
presented by Sommelier Mark Spalding. Add a live string duet and fine cheeses and choc-
olates for a spectacular showing. Admission is $40 and RSVPs are required in advance—so
don’t wait! A big round of applause goes out to Brooke Harrison, Tucker McPherson, Winnie
Marquez, Lynn Mills and Kacy Turpin for bringing this special evening to our members!
What else do we have on the schedule? How about a Fat Tuesday Celebration in the
Lounge on March 5, followed quickly by St. Patrick’s Day Party on Saturday, March 16! Stay
tuned…more to follow. Until then, see you around the club!
FWYC Casual Bridge Club
Thursdays, 7pm, Castaway Room
Contact Jim Serpa
850-398-3724 [email protected]