Fort Walton Yacht Club Letter Log
January 2018
30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
Finish Line
By 2017 Fleet Captain Linda Wright
IT HAS BEEN my distinct pleasure to serve as your Fleet Captain in 2017. I can’t even begin
to fully express how much I appreciate all 78 of you that volunteered this year! You made a lot
happen, to include: 134 races with well over 300 boats, the Spring and Fall Flings, the weekend
rendezvous, hosting of performance clinics and the Northern Gulf Coast Cruise, regatta reg-
istrations and check-ins, race scoring, wrangling of trophies and awards for 15 regattas, Scat
Boat and trailer re-hab, Capdevielle boat maintenance and regatta participation in both the
Flying Scot and Viper 640, photos of all events, trophies made from scratch, T-shirts designed,
flyers and photo awards designed and printed, food provided, hoist and crane truck operation
for all the big regattas, race management support from 15 boat
owners, regatta support for our junior sailors, coaching of our
High School sailing teams, etc.
The Viper North American Championship was a huge success
thanks to Craig and Deborah Wiluz, along with the regatta vol-
unteers and all the club members that moved their boats from
wet and dry storage.
Finally, I want to especially thank Lou Richard! He served as the
Principle Race Officer and/or scorer for every single race and regatta this year!! As far as I know
in the history of the club, that may be unprecedented. We all owe him a huge thanks for dedi-
cating so much of his personal time to lead our racing activities in this club!!
May you all have a wonderful New Year in 2018!