FWYC Letter Log January 2017 | Page 15

Friday Specials

Well , I have to admit , it is quite a daunting task to volunteer as Fleet Captain , but the reason I did is because I feel I have been the beneficial recipient of so many of your volunteer man-hours to make it possible for me to race over the last 10 years ! It was time for me to give more back than the occasional race committee I ’ ve done in the past . Also , so many of you have been so supportive in continuing to offer your time and energy … Thank-you so much for that ! I ’ m excited for the upcoming year !

Early on , Craig Stoldt and I got together on the schedule for 2017 to ensure we could compliment our activities and make the year fun . Along these lines , I ’ ve carved out some time in the Spring for our cruising agenda so that the cruisers that also serve as race committee don ’ t get stuck choosing one or the other ! We all need time to relax and cruise together ! I can assure you , if you haven ’ t been on one of our cruises ( power and sail ) you are missing out on the beauty of this Gulf Coast . We also invite all clubs in the area to participate . We cruise in the Spring and Fall each year , so even if you have never done this sort of thing before , we have plenty of mentors !
Along a different line , I think one of the biggest challenges in any relationship is communication . And that certainly applies in our club and fleet . In that regard , I have posted all of the race activities for the entire year on the master yacht club Google Calendar and that ultimately gives you the big picture relative to other club activities ( hit the “ click here for the full calendar ”). I ’ m also putting all of the race details there in terms of time , location , etc ( click on the event to see background info ). However , given that the Google calendar doesn ’ t give you a good view of the year overall , especially for visitors to our website , I will soon post a summary calendar also . But … the Google calendar is much easier to update , so , please go there for the most current information for local racing .
When it comes to racing , weather is so often a factor in whether we sail or not , I ’ m working with Sam to designate a spot on the front page of our club website where I can post short-notice updates on whether we are racing or not . While I can e-mail , text , Facebook , etc . it is a bit challenging to hit all sources in a timely manner .
On a final , but most important note , please plan to attend our upcoming sailing rules seminar at 10:30 prior to the Zevin race on 21 Jan 2017 ! It has been a really long time since we ’ ve reviewed the rules and with the changes for the 2017-2020 rules , I think this will be a great time to work through some scenarios that we often encounter on the race course . Please invite your crew also , since they are your eyes and ears on the boat for some of the tough calls .
I would like to thank Terren Niedrauer for all of his hard work this year and for passing on a good “ ship ”. I look forward to a fun year ! Please feel free to chat with me about you ’ re ideas … especially if they include solutions !
~ Linda Wright
January 6th ~ Francesca Crabmeat Stuffed Mushrooms w / Horseradish Sauce 3 Root Soup Blackened Shrimp & Gouda Grits Apple , Banana & Cream Delight January 13th ~ Cory Scotch Eggs Mulligatawny Cornish Pasty Sticky Pudding

Friday Specials

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January 20th ~ Royce Ruben Roll Ups Kartoffelsuppe Pork Rouladen w / German Potato Salad Apfelkuchen January 27th ~ Eric Grilled Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Jalapenos Tomatillo Green Chicken Chili Enchiladas