Greetings friends , neighbors , and fellow members .
First indulge me a moment to thank you for trusting me once again to be your Vice Commodore . Your vote of confidence is very much appreciated . I do not take your trust lightly and I will endeavor to listen and act on member input .
We have an excellent Board this year who are already working to make 2017 one of our best years at the Yacht Club ever . It is the membership that make our Yacht Club what it is . Two members , Gerry Harvey and Jim Serpa have stepped up to take on the duties of Dock Master and Dry Storage Manager for this coming year . Both will be invaluable in keeping our Docks and Dry Storage areas up and making improvements as needed . Soon I will be asking membership to fill other positions falling under the Vice Commodore ’ s purview .
Speaking of improvements , John Dezzutto , Vice Commodore 2016 , left us with a good base from which to continue work . Thank you , John , for your service last year . There are a couple of projects already on the table for the coming year : completion of the dock board replacement project on the South Dock , and the painting of the exterior of the building .
I ’ m looking forward to a productive year with the help of you , the Membership . ~ Dave Vaughan
“ Taco ” Tuesday
January 3rd ~ Tacos January 10th ~ Potato Bar January 17th ~ Tacos January 24th ~ Hot Dog Bar January 31st ~ Spaghetti
Merle Bixby Faye Black James De Simone Mark Fisher Micki Gramm Ron Hankins |
Birthdays Barbara Harrington
Michael Mead Tom Morris April Pierce Joseph Romano Lisa Struck
Diane Wells Richard Wells Don Wigston Judy Williams John Wylie |
Membership New Members : Barbara Deats ~ Seasonal Paul Gladstone ~ Seasonal Helen Kendrick ~ Surviving Spouse Steve Petermann ~ Reinstatement Resignations : Robert Brown ~ Regular Mark Davis ~ Regular
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