The first Zevin of 2017 sailed under chilly conditions . Myassasaur got off to an early lead and wrapped up first place . The next Zevin will be held on January 21st after a Rules Seminar .
Kip Keelin dominated the Shamrock fleet at the annual Boxing Day Regatta . Thanks to Mr . & Mrs . Gramm for hosting this RC Boat event .
The Change of Watch and Awards Banquet Saturday , January 7 is one way for new members to obtain a good understanding of what goes on at the club over the past year and the members that make it happen . The actual Change of Watch and Installation of 2017 Officers follows Yacht Club traditions with a ceremony introduced to our club by the Florida Commodores Association ( FCA ). Please consider attending this event . Help us all show our appreciation for those members that keep our club in good order . Activities of fellowship and entertainment , on shore as well as over the water , is why we are members .
~ Phyllis Seaton
he FCA and it ’ s Foundation continually support Florida ’ s Olympic and Paraolympic sailors . Their support has led to great success with Brad Kendell of Clearwater winning the Silver medal in Rio .
The Foundation also supports youth sailing and Wounded American Veteran Events around Florida .
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