FWYC Letter Log January 2017 | Page 10

There has been a lot of debate over the recent increase in dock fees passed by the Board of Directors . The need for this increase was brought to the attention of the Board by the Finance Committee and the Five Year Plan Committee after careful study of the amount of money in the Dock Fund and the funds needed to maintain the docks in the future . . In response to our need to have a long range plan for the care and maintenance of the docks , a plan was developed based on an estimated life span of materials , their replacement and cost . This plan was extended from 5 years to 10 years based on input from members in September . There have been ongoing discussions about ( 1 ) the amount of money needed in order to keep our docks up and maintain the Dock Fund ( 2 ) the split of the dock revenues between the Dock Fund and the General Operating Fund of the Club . This revised plan which was approved at the December Board Meeting represents our best compromise to benefit the whole Club . While this may not be the perfect plan that we all would like , it is a plan that will lead us in the right direction .

Our club has two sources from which to receive the funds necessary to meet our financial goals and supply our members with the goods and services they require . The two sources are member dues and revenue from club services . There are certain costs that do not change if income goes up or down . Therefore if revenue from one source goes down it is necessary to increase revenue from another source to meet the financial needs that have not changed . For example , if we were to loose members that would cause a drop in revenue from member dues . This could be corrected by an increase in price of services or an increase in the amount of dues each member pays . Also if we were to have an increase in the costs of services this could be corrected by an increase in the number of members paying dues or an increase in the price of services offered . The change in the distribution of income of the Dock from a 50 %/ 50 % split to a split of 65 % to Dock Fund and 35 % to Club could result in less revenue for the Club . This could result in a future need for an increase in Dues . By services I include all the things the club has to offer its members , be it a drink in the lounge , a meal in the dining room or a slip at the dock for their boat .
Ann and I are looking forward to a great year at Fort Walton Yacht Club . We hope to continue the work that has been done in the past . We want Fort Walton Yacht Club to be a place that old members , new members and potential members enjoy and feel welcome .
I would like to thank PC Reddoch Williams for the great job he did last year as Commodore and for all his help and guidance as I prepared for the coming year . Ann and I want to thank the following for all their help with the un-decorating of the club January 2nd . Reddoch and Judy Williams , Sam and Jennifer Grant , Scott and Jenny Bailey , Jerry and Faye Black , Charles and Jan Hine , Phyllis Seaton , Shari Seaton , Wini Jimmerson , CeCe Stoldt , Mary Fisher , Beverly Plummer , Carol Langford , Monica Reed , Sue Barnwell , Pat Tye , Christine Watson and Karen David .
My slogan for 2017 is : “ What is best for Fort Walton Yacht Club ” ~ Ray Dewrell
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