30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
February 2020
Letter Log
Appreciation, Awards, Change of Watch Banquet
Past Commodore Erwin Fleet
(1963) administers the oath of office
to 2020 Commodore Craig Stoldt
Commodore Stoldt presents 2020
Vice Commodore Bob Fisher his
flag of office at the January Board
Commodore Stoldt presents 2020
Fleet Captain Sam Grant with his
flag of office The Secretary flag is presented to
2020 Secretary Kerrie Serpa by
Commodore Stoldt
Commodore Stoldt presents his
wife, Cece with a bouquet of yellow
roses for her support in 2019 Club Championship for C
Fleet - Commodore Stoldt and
Cece on Dream of the CS
Commodore Stoldt recognizes P/C
Skip Harrington for being awarded
the FCA Four Star Commodore
Award for exceptional contributions
to FWYC and the community
Commodore Stoldt presents 2020
Rear Commodore Shari Seaton with
her flag of office
2020 Treasurer Jim Jeter is
presented his flag of office from
Commodore Stoldt
Club Championship for A Fleet - PC
David Vaughan and Two Pot
Screamer crew
Commodore Stoldt presents the
Commodore’s Cup for the outstanding
participants in GYA Capdevielle to
Robert Harrison, Paul Beaudry and
Darren Cook (not pictured)