FWYC Letter Log February 2017 | Page 11

Seafood Gumbo Red Beans & Rice
King Cake


From Saturday , January 14th through Monday , January

16th , Terren Neidrauer and Pat White sailed a Catalina 30 from Tampa Bay to Destin . Steve Drummond , a local business owner in Destin , recently purchased the boat and wanted to move it to his slip in Destin . Steve drove the three down on Friday the 13th to Brandon , Florida where the boat was moored . After a thorough inspection , a list of provisions and boat equipment was developed and procured . They set off Saturday at approximately 11:00 to refuel . The channel to the fuel dock was not well marked and they had a soft grounding on a sand bar . After getting off and refueling , they were on their way . Initially motor sailing into Tampa Bay proper , they headed for the Gulf of Mexico and secured the motor . Headed northwest using GPS and the stars to sail by , things progressed normally . After lighter winds on Sunday morning , it was decided to restart the engine , however the engine would not start . Investigation revealed one of the wires had broken . Terren and Steve set to work to fabricate the proper connection . After about 45 minutes , repairs were completed , and the engine started . After dodging fishing boats in the vicinity of Port St . Joe , the seas shifted , providing a following sea straight towards their destination . After hitting speeds of 7.5 knots , the engine was secured to save fuel . We were initially averaging speeds of over 6 knots on just sail power . Later in the day , when the winds died down , the engine was turned back on in order to arrive in Destin an hour earlier . The following sea made the entrance into the Destin Harbor more difficult , but after getting past one big wave that tossed the boat around , entry into the harbor was accomplished and the landing happened with no other incidences . Overall travel time was 2 days 10 hours .
~ Pat White

Mardi Gras Party

February 28th 5:30pm

Seafood Gumbo Red Beans & Rice

King Cake
