FWYC Letter Log February 2017 | Page 10

Friday Specials
Asparagus & Prosciutto Puff Pastry Roasted Tomato w / Basil Ricotta Surf & Turf Pistachio Covered Chocolate Ice Cream February 24th
February 3rd ~ Ashley Crusty Corn Wheels Clam Chowder Liver & Onions Tapioca Pudding February 10th ~ Royce Cucumber Spring Rolls Cleansing Detox Soup Braciole w / Whiskey-Glazed Sweet Potatoes Berry Pastry

Friday Specials

February 17th ~ Francesca

Asparagus & Prosciutto Puff Pastry Roasted Tomato w / Basil Ricotta Surf & Turf Pistachio Covered Chocolate Ice Cream February 24th


As many of you know , our Club is a member of the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs ( FCYC ). This means that YOU AND EVERY REGULAR

MEMBER ARE MEMBERS OF THE FCYC .... SO WHAT ?? WELL KEEP READ- ING ..... This membership keeps us aware of happenings in other member clubs , gives us an ear , and a voice , on what is taking place in the legislature that may impact our Club . In addition , our membership in FCYC affords our regular members reciprocal privileges at other member clubs .... the ability to charge your food and drink to your FWYC club number and one free night of dockage at the various clubs . Many members travel by boat to some or all of the 36 Member Clubs … ask some our cruisers about that . But you can travel by car and stop in to any of these clubs ( http :// www . floridacouncilofyachtclubs . com / member _ clubs . htm ) for dinner , a drink or just to see the sunset ...[ it is always a good idea to have your FCYC club card and / or a letter of introduction ... you can get one from the office Best to call ahead and get an idea of circumstances at the club and dress for the day ]. The Office has FCYC Cruising Guides which give you information and directions to the club () by land and sea ...
FCYC incoming Vice Commodore George O ’ Malley has made a short video on YouTube which highlights FCYC ( https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = peoeUDd6Bsg )
Although it seems far in the future , now is the time to be thinking about the 2017 Commodores Cruise ( http :// www . floridacouncilofyachtclubs . com / annual _ cruises . htm ). This Holland America cruise will depart Quebec on September 20 , 2017 and arrive in New York City on September 30th . The stops will include cruising the Gulf of St . Lawrence , Prince Edward Island , Sydney Nova Scotia , Halifax , Bar Harbor Maine , Boston , Newport Rhode Island and New York . Should be just about the right time for some beautiful visions of Fall . Tom or Mickey can give you more information if you are interested .
Our last meeting was held 13- 14 Jan at the Florida Yacht Club ( Jacksonville ). Past Commodore Reddoch Williams and Judy as well as Commodore Ray Dewrell and Ann attended with Lynne and I . During the day on Saturday , the ladies had a museum and shopping day and many of us had an opportunity to tour the flight line at NAS Jacksonville .... a really great time .
The next meeting , the Change of Watch for the FCYC , will be 10-11 March at Venice Yacht Club and where V / C Audrey Rice will become the Commodore for 2017 .
In May , 19th and 20th , the FCYC will meet at Pensacola Yacht Club ... This will be an opportunity for FWYC to have a great presence , have a good time and see how things are done ... REMEMBER FWYC WILL HOST THE FCYC 10 , 11 NOVEMBER 2017 .
If you are interested in any of the above or have questions get in touch with me ... P / C Tom Reynolds , FCYC Director P / C Mickey LaGarde , FCYC Alternate Director drtomiii @ cox . net lagarde @ cox . net