doch as a former Alternate Director knew many of they well. And although we did not have any visiting boats, Reddoch stood
ready to welcome them and provide overflow dockage if needed.
One other thank you to those club members who gave of their time and treasure to attend the Dinner Dance on the
11th. They represented our Club well at each table in the room!
LATE BREAKING NEWS: Because of extensive travel next year, P/C Mickey LaGarde, a valued representative of FWYC,
has resigned as Alternate Director and P/C ReddochWilliams has been appointed to that position. Thank you Mickey of
representing the Club so well over the past years.
This will be my last FCYC update. I will be resigning as your Director to FCYC. It has been a pleasure to represent you and
our Club.
The Next FCYC meeting will be 12-13 January 2018 at Royal Palm Yacht & Country Club, Boca Raton, Florida.....
P/C Tom Reynolds, FCYC Director
P/C Mickey LaGarde, FCYC Alternate Director
FCA Regatta
he FCA Regatta brought on
the return of the vipers and
the entertainment they inher-
ently bring to a big breeze race
course. Seven boats hit the water
with the Faircloths from Fairhope
YC sailing into the win.
ive boats sailed in the PHRF fleet
and all of them hailed from our own
The results were broken down
by handicap with Two Pot Screamer
sailing to the win for the fastest boats.
Piranha, after pulling some crew out of
the bay, crossed in first for the middle
fleet. My Mistress graced the course
and earned their first for the slower
four J-22s made it to the race
O ing nly
course but that didn’t stop the rac-
from being totally fierce. During
most of the regatta the fleet was so
tight they could have passed the Grey
Poupon with ease. Two Dollar Pistols,
owned by Todd McBee, sailed into the
win and took their trophy home to
Kentucky Lake.
Dear Club Members
two years as your Alternate Director to the Florida
A tive fter
Council of Yacht Clubs, I tendered my resignation effec-
11 November. Thank you Commodore and members for
your trust in me to represent you and to promote measures
which redounded positively to the general good of the boat-
ing community. Dee and I plan to increase travels next year
that will preclude us from attending the majority of Council
meetings. That is unacceptable. The Council has rightly come
to expect that FWYC will always be well represented and as
a FWYC member I expect the same from our representation.
Consequently, I must step down and do so with deep regret.
Few members of our Club know of the tremendous represen-
tation that our Director, Dr. Tom Reynolds, gives our Club
at these council meetings and as a member of the Executive
Committee. In him we have perhaps the strongest represen-
tation of any club to the Council. When Tom speaks the
members listen, because he always has something important
and worthwhile to say. They respect his intellect and appre-
ciate his diplomacy. Also, since 2011 Tom
has borne a high personal cost to represent
FWYC to the Council without reimburse-
ment. Typically it cost about $800 per meeting and he attends
six times a year plus any scheduled executive meetings. Most
clubs enjoy better revenues than ours and reimburse their
representative’s expenses. We are not so fortunate. So Club
members like Tom are extremely generous in their contribu-
tions to our Club. I was honored to serve alongside him and
Dr. Lynn.
The FCYC was formed in 1996 and FWYC has been a mem-
ber since 1996. FCYC represents approximately 36,000 YC
members to encourage the sport of yachting, promote safety
afloat, encourage member reciprocity and promote legislation
favorable to the boating community. Regular meetings are
normally held on the second Saturday of January, March,
May, July, September, and November. Meetings are normally
followed by a dinner and dance. While I our Director and
Alternate Director attend these, we are occasionally joined
by our Commodore and other FWYC members attending as
guests. Dee and I plan to attend as guests anytime our sched-
ule allows and hope to see many of you there.
Sincerely, P/C Mickey La Garde