s many of you know, our Club is a member of the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs (FCYC). This means that YOU ARE
A in other
MEMBERS OF THE FCYC.... SO WHAT?? WELL KEEP READING.....This membership keeps us aware of happenings
member clubs, gives us an ear, and a voice, on what is taking place in the legislature that may impact our Club. Many
members travel by boat to some or all of the 36 Member Clubs … ask some our cruisers about that. But you can travel by car
and stop in to any of these clubs (http://www.floridacouncilofyachtclubs.com/member_clubs.htm) for dinner, a drink or just
to see the sunset...[it is always a good idea to have your FWYC club card and/or a letter of introduction... you can get one
from the office. Best to call ahead and get an idea of circumstances at the club and dress for the day]. The Office has FCYC
Cruising Guides which give you information and directions to the club(s) by land and sea...
In November, FWYC hosted the General Meeting of the FCYC for the first time since it joined FCYC in 1995. We enter-
tained members from 24 of the FCYC clubs around the state.
We were fortunate to have a visit from Captain Billy 63 (Charlie Potts) and the Queen of Bowlegs (Ashley Siner). Captain
Billy presented Commodore Ray Dewrell with his personal flag.
I want to thank all of the
people who worked over
the last 6 months to make
this such a wonderful event
for us. I have gotten rave
reviews from our sister
• Commodore Ray De-
wrell – “...made us com-
fortable, feel at home, we’ll
be back...”
• Eric Mattizza and the
Staff... the Club looked
great and everyone was
just fantastic... the buffet
on Friday night was a re-
sounding success... com-
ments like “... I never had
such good chicken picat-
ta..” and “..what is bush-
wacker pie... OH I think I
love it!!”
Monica Reed and Jane Waters were just the absolute right people to meet and greet and make people feel at home
Beverly Plummer - the gift bags for the registrants were a big success... thanks for pulling it all together …. especially
the donations, cookies , and mementos....
Dr Lynne Reynolds – the shopping tour was great... one quote came in today “...really enjoyed the shopping trip …..
and found a unique Steuben vase that was a bargain..” And thanks to all our WoW members who help ferry people around
The Sundowner Ceremony.... P/C Phyllis Seaton and P/C Dick Secord.... It was the best Veterans Day Sundowner we
have every had... thanks to Ed Hubbard and thanks to all the members and guests who attended in dress uniform and wearing
their medals.
Our Dining Room was the only stage for a 3 act play..... lunch, general meeting, dinner & dancing..... the Staff was
great... “scene changes” went without a hitch at all looked beautiful... especially the dinner hour with table decorations by
Carole Langford and company.
P/C Mickey LaGarde and Dee... organized the hotels, entertainment and photography. The Marriott Home Suites
was a big hit with all that stayed there and Bobby D had just the right mix for the party
R/C Craig Stoldt... made every printed word that kept our meeting functioning... invitations, name tags, place cards,
customized labels and inserts for the gift bag.... if it started out as a file and came back in hard copy, Craig was the guy who
did it.
CeCe Stoldt... in addition to handling the Registration database and tracking down people who registered at the last
minute, also took photos throughout the weekend... thank you CeCe
Reddoch and Judy Williams spent much of Friday meeting and greeting people as they arrived. Red-