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In Port
I know that fishing is one of those great summertime
activities that I mentioned earlier -- the north and east
sides of Smack Point are great places to fish! I know of
more than one member who has caught several very nice
fish there
The month of August more-or-less begins the close-out
of “summer” in our perspective. For most families,
school starts and opportunities for vacation and other
I hope that you are all doing well and
summertime “time-off” activities are reduced -- we
that you have had, or will have, a
return to the routine that we know for most of the year.
chance to enjoy some traditional
As we make this transition, let’s remember that we still
summer activities. As far as that
have plenty of opportunities for activities and enjoyment
goes, I’ll admit my own bias toward
at our Club. We’ll have warm weather and warm waters
boating, especially sailing, and other
for at least a couple more months; I hope we all can take
fundamentally, I think of traditional summer activities advantage of them. As always, I wish you all well, and
as opportunities to spend time with family and friends hope to see you at the Club!
doing something you all enjoy, in a place that you enjoy. Vice Commodore Jerry Vaughan
I hope our Club provides such a place for you and yours. [email protected]
I’m moving a bit slowly these days because I’ve just had
surgery to repair my ankle (I’ll be the guy on crutches
you see around the Club!), so for me those boating
activities will have to wait, but there are still things to
enjoy around our Club. For instance, we’ve recently
acquired a new grill for our patio -- I encourage you to
take advantage of the Clubs' cook-your-own steak,
burger, or chicken deal, which comes with baked potato
and salad. It’s available Thursday, Saturday, and
Sunday. What a great way to pass the time and perhaps
enjoy a beautiful sunset with family and friends!
Greetings, once again, to everyone!
One of our members recently sent me an e-mail
expressing concern over people fishing from the docks
and boats in slips. It seems to me that this article is a
good place to convey this gentle reminder: Appendix 2
to our Clubs' House Rules establishes the Dock Rules.
Item 15.g. in the Dock Rules says, “There will be no
fishing from any of the docks, finger piers, or boats.”
Remember that fishing hooks, line, and other fishing
accoutrements can get caught on boats, pilings, and
underwater objects -- when that happens, their effect can
range from inconvenience to danger for boat owners,
especially if the boat owner(s) get into the water to clean
the boat bottom or other maintenance. We don’t want
that to happen, thus the rule. I ask all our members to
keep this in mind, and please remind your family
members, friends, and guests that we don’t allow fishing
from the docks or from boats in slips. Having said that,
~ Fort Walton Yacht Club, Established in 1951 ~