Fuzionz Magazine Volume 1 | Page 25

And1 Live Tour (Story Continued…) Interview with And1 Coach Lamont Moreno Fuzionz Magazine: Tell us about the game today and what you look forward to? Do you think you all are going to win? Lamont Moreno: I always think we’re going to win. Basically, this game is to give back to the community of Haltom City and it is a pleasure for us to be here at Haltom High School. We want to show the young kids here that we still have something left with the And1 Live Streetball Team. So we hope to put on a good show for the fans and for the young men participating in the event. Fuzionz Magazine: Tell us a little about what you have to do to keep these young men motivated? Lamont Moreno: The best part of what we do is, we do a lot of motivational speaking for the kids; stay off drugs, stay in school. We went to a Boys & Girls Club here in Haltom City and had a gang intervention. That was a great thing for us to do. 100% of what we do is not just basketball. 95% of it is motivational; to talk to the kids and give them something to think about and 5% is the basketball game. Fuzionz Magazine: How long have you been with And1? Lamont Moreno: I was with And1 from the beginning. I took a break and came back in 2007. Fuzionz Magazine: Have you seen a change in any of the young people’s lives that And1 has touched? Lamont Moreno: Absolutely, for us it is good. After the motivational talks that we do, when a young man or young lady comes up to me and says, “Coach that was a great motivational speech; that talk really inspired me,” that means the world to me. We travel around the country and we‘ve been to 40 different countries in two years, but any time we come to a city like Haltom or different small cities, that means just as much to us as going to Africa or Indonesia. These types of places really touch me because they’re small cities and we really want to give back to those cities. Interview with Prime Basketball Team’s Earl Rabb Fuzionz Magazine: Earl what did you think about this game. Earl Rabb: It was pretty fun and exciting. It’s always good to come out and have fun. It was a pretty intense game. Fuzionz Magazine: What is your position on the team? Earl Rabb: I play point guard and I’m overall team captain and team leader. I put everybody together. Fuzionz Magazine: How long have you been with the team? Earl Rabb: I’ve been on the team since 10th grade. Fuzionz Magazine: What do look forward to in the future, with this team? Earl Rabb: Honestly, I look forward to coaching and giving back to the kids.