Fuzionz Magazine and TV Sept Oct Issue 2014 | Page 47

scenarios regarding whether or not one is or is not the father and why that question needs to be answered at all. But that’s a scenario for another article.

Ladies and gentlemen, these are everyday happenings that occur in our relationships that mold the very foundations of how we behave towards one another. Situations that occur on a daily basis that are actually opportunities to mold and shape our relationships for the better. Check my part two segment out in the next issue of Fuzionz Magazine and TV.

Fuzionz Magazine and TV 29

Check out Tha Reel Hapz magazine, as it takes you into the depths of conscious Hip Hop...John Resnover Jr. has put this extraordinary platform together to give hip hop artists exposure, as well as expanding on the views of others. Visit the website: http://thareelhapz.wix.com/tha-reel-hapz- and on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/THA-REEL-HAPZ-magazine/136095236414587?fref=ts .....You may reach out for an "introview," as well.