Future Trends Health Care 2013 | Page 47
Policy and Procedures - A set of policies are principles, rules, and guidelines formulated or adopted by an organization to reach its
long-term goals and typically published in a booklet or other form that is widely accessible. Policies and procedures are designed to
influence and determine all major decisions and actions, and all activities take place within the boundaries set by them. Procedures
are the specific methods employed to express policies in action in day-to-day operations of the organization. Together, policies and
procedures ensure that a point of view held by the governing body of an organization is translated into steps that result in an
outcome compatible with that view. Source:
Policy riders - Additional clause, document, or slip of paper that adds, alters, amends, or removes the provisions of an associated
or attached agreement or contract (such as an insurance policy) or a negotiable instrument. Source:
Poly Pharmacy - The practice of administering many different medicines especially concurrently for the treatment of the same
disease. Source: Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary
Population health - The health outcomes of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group. It
is an approach to health that aims to improve the health of an entire human population. Source: Merriam Webster Medical
Power Generation, Consumption, Management - Integrated design, build and operate solutions for the Power industry that covers
IT for multi-fuel power generation from a diverse mix of fossil fuels, renewables and biomass sources in operations, maintenance,
metering, trading, billing, real-time enterprise asset management, GIS, SCADA systems (EMS, DMS) and all corporate applications.
Source: InterLink Future Trends in Information Technology Report, www.interlink-ntx.org
Practitioners - A practitioner is someone who engages in an occupation, profession, religion, or way of life, such as a Medical
Practitioner. Source: Wikipedia
Prediction – Something that is forecasted based on current trends.
Predictive analytics - The area of data mining concerned with forecasting probabilities and trends.
Predictive modeling (role based) – A commonly used statistical technique to predict future behavior. Predictive modeling solutions
are a form of data-mining technology that works by analyzing historical and current data and generating a model to help predict
future outcomes. In predictive modeling, data is collected, a statistical model is formulated, predictions are made, and the model is
validated (or revised) as additional data becomes available. http://www.gartner.com/it-glossary/predictive-modeling/
Predictive modeling/prescriptive - A process used in predictive analytics to create a statistical model of future behavior.
Pre-hospital - Occurring before or during transportation (as of a trauma victim) to a hospital Source:
Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary
Prescreening - To screen in advance; screen before a more detailed process. Source: Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary
Preventative maintenance - The care and servicing by personnel for the purpose of maintaining equipment and facilities in
satisfactory operating condition by providing for systematic inspection, detection, and correction of incipient failures either before
they occur or before they develop into major defects. Source: Wikipedia
Preventative medicine - The specialty of medical practice that focuses on the health of individuals, communities, and defined
populations. Its goal is to protect, promote, and maintain health and well-being and to prevent disease, disability, and death.
Preventive medicine specialists have core competencies in biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental and occupational medicine,
planning and evaluation of health services, management of health care organizations, research into causes of disease and injury in
population groups, and the practice of prevention in clinical medicine. They apply knowledge and skills gained from the medical,
social, economic, and behavioral sciences. Preventive medicine has three specialty areas with common core knowledge, skills, and
competencies that emphasize different populations, environments, or practice settings: aerospace medicine, occupational medicine,
and public health and general preventive medicine. Source: American Board of Preventative Medicine
Privacy - What personal information can be shared with whom; Whether messages can be exchanged without anyone else seeing
them; Whether and how one can send messages anonymously. http://searchdatamanagement.techtarget.com/definition/privacy
Privacy Laws (HIPPA)- The U.S. Government Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) regulates: HIPAA
Privacy Rule, protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information; the HIPAA Security Rule, sets national standards for
the security of electronic protected health information; the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule, requires covered entities and business
associates to provide notification following a breach of unsecured protected health information; and the confidentiality provisions of
the Patient Safety Rule, which protect identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events and improve patient safety.
Source: Department of Health and Human Services
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