Patient assessment - Identifying and determining the type of treatment needed. Assessment can occur at different points including
an emergency scene, in the clinic, physical exam, rapid trauma, rapid medical assessment, focused history and physical exam –
trauma, focused history and physical exam – medical, detailed physical exam and, ongoing assessment. Source: National Registry
of Emergency Treatment
Patient Care Technician - A multi-disciplinary technical worker trained to provide basic nursing assistant care as well as other
skilled function. The role of the Patient Care Technician includes duties traditionally performed by the staff from several different
departments such as nursing, phlebotomy, EKG and respiratory. Source: PCIHealth
Patient centered care – Requires putting the patient at the center of all experiences.
Patient diversity - Patients populations with different cultural, religious, and language backgrounds, their belief systems and
response to pain and medical care. Source:
Patient education - The process by which health professionals and others impart information to patients and their caregivers that
will alter their health behaviors or improve their health status. Source: Wikipedia
Patient Identification (ID) - To enhance patient safety by avoiding patient identification errors, the National Patient Safety Goals
established by the Joint Commission, which accredits and certifies more than 19,000 health care organizations and programs in the
United States recommends the "Check Two Before You Do" motto. Whenever any team member approaches a patient at any point,
they confirm name and date of birth or verify the medical record number prior to delivering any care. Source: The Joint Commission,
Patient-centered, team-based care (PCTBC) -Clinical care practice and delivery of healthcare services that support patientcentered, team-based care. Source:
Personal responsibility - The willingness to both accept the importance of standards that society establishes for individual behavior
and to make strenuous personal efforts to live by those standards. It also means that when individuals fail to meet expected
standards, they do not look around for some factor outside themselves to blame. Source; Brookings Institute
Personalization - The combined use of technology and customer information to tailor electronic commerce interactions in “business
to business” and “business to consumer” settings. Once confined mainly to the Web, it is becoming a factor in education, health
care, the media, and social network websites. Source: InterLink Future Trends In Information Technology,
Pet Therapy - Animal-assisted therapy (AAT), also known as pet therapy, utilizes trained animals and handlers to achieve specific
physical, social, cognitive, and emotional goals with patients. Source:
Pharmaceuticals - A pharmaceutical drug, also referred to as a medicine or (loosely) medication, officially called medicinal product,
can be loosely defined as any chemical substance — or product comprising such — intended for use in the medical diagnosis, cure,
treatment, or prevention of disease.
Pharmacogenomics - Tailored drugs for patients. Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary
Pharmacy - Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing as well as dispensing drugs and medicines. It is a health
profession that links health sciences with chemical sciences and aims to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs.
Physical health education - Health education is the profession of educating people about health. Areas within this profession
encompass environmental health, physical health, social health, emotional health, intellectual health, and spiritual health. Merriam
Webster Medical Dictionary
Physical Therapists - Help people who have injuries or illnesses improve their movement and manage their pain. They are often an
important part of rehabilitation and treatment of patients with chronic conditions or injuries. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Physical/Fitness Trainer - Lead, instruct, and motivate individuals or groups in exercise activities, including cardiovascular exercise
(exercises for the heart and blood system), strength training, and stretching. They work with people of all ages and skill levels.
Source: Bureau of Labor statistics
Physics - A science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions. Source: Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary
Physiology - The branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
Policy - A course or principle o ?X?[?Y?Y?????Y?HH??\??Y[?\?K?\?[?\???[?]?YX[????P??\?Y????[??[^\?[?\?[??[??[?Y???\?\??Y???