Future TalentEd Summer Term 2020 Summer 2020 | Page 19
Sereena Abbassi’s
insights into
Speakers for Schools contributor
Sereena Abbassi is worldwide head of
culture & inclusion at M&C Saatchi.
She provides some advice on how to get into
and thrive in advertising.
What opportunities exist for different skill sets
in advertising?
You can work as a strategist (or planner) setting the thinking
behind a campaign. This role tends to involve a lot of research;
history and the humanities are an excellent pathway.
There’s also the role of the creative, usually as one half of a creative
duo, bringing the campaign’s strategy to life through composition
and narrative. If you’re a copywriter (wordsmith), you’ll need a
love of words, as your job is to make a product sing by using only
a few catchy words. There’s also design, where the unique identity
of a brand comes together, requiring skills in graphic design,
design and art.
Most people start their career in advertising as an account
executive. Account handling is the first point of call between the
client and the team, and as an account handler, you’re the glue.
There’s a strong project-management element to this role,
so being organised, an excellent communicator and a people
person is vital. You’ll also be in charge of budgets, so simple maths
is needed.
What sort of qualities and attitudes are sought after?
Agility, as we’re living in rapidly changing times; problem-solving,
because rapidly changing times require new and fast solutions;
optimism, because sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the
end of the tunnel, and critical thinking – with the over-saturation
of information, having the ability to critique and form our own
opinion is essential.
Watch Sereena Abbassi’s video about
her career and life journey
“I’ve delivered talks to secondary
school students about seeing
all your life experiences as
badges of honour”
What routes are there into advertising?
Most advertising agencies should be trying to move past degrees
as a prerequisite, so if you choose to not go to university, a good
route in would be via a trainee scheme.
Social media is a great way to build and maintain contacts. Most
creatives will be on Instagram as it’s the perfect platform for
young people to showcase their work; others will be on LinkedIn.
Many agencies will have the photos and names of their people
on their website, so this is where you should start your research.
Why not ask people for advice on how they got to where they
are – or even if they’d be open to mentoring you? Being mentored
transformed my life, keeping me on track and helping me to
meet my goals by holding me accountable month by month.
What could young people do during lockdown to gain
relevant skills?
Start building relationships; a network. There are loads of free
online taster sessions that you could try, such as with School of
Communication Arts which specialises in advertising.
There’s also an incredible documentary series by Adam Curtis
called The Century of the Self. It talks about the inception of PR
and advertising. Though it doesn’t show it in the most favourable
light, it demonstrates how powerful the industry is and why I
believe it can change the world for the better if placed in the
right hands.
During lockdown, focus your energy on what you can control.
Use this time to start researching different industries, start a mini
passion project, enter competitions and connect with people.
I believe Covid-19 will be the catalyst for change that many
industries have needed. A business is nothing without its people,
so keep being curious and keep learning.
“Find a company that reflects your
values; that way, you’ll never have
to compromise yours”
What advice would you give your younger self and to
students now?
Nurturing all the elements of yourself is core to feeling balanced.
Don’t forget about the many facets that make you who you are.
Find a company that reflects your values; that way, you’ll never
have to compromise yours. Move through this world with integrity
(be your word).
Remember that most industries are based on relationships: build
and nurture them; only burn bridges if you need to. The world is
tiny, and you never know when you might see or need
that person. And know that your job title does not equate to
your self-worth.
How you show up in the world and contribute to the lives around
you is the only thing you should judge yourself by. I’ve delivered
talks to secondary school students about seeing all your life
experiences as badges of honour; they’ve shaped how you see
the world and make you who you are.
Tell us about your
own career path
My path wasn’t linear, what’s remained the
same is my purpose: to help people
connect to themselves so that they can
better connect to each other. I attended The
BRIT School, the only non-fee paying
performing arts school in the country at the
time. At 30 years old, I was in New York and
trying to make my name within the acting
industry. However, I became disheartened
with the sexism and the stereotypical roles I
was put up for.
I moved back to the UK via a short period in
Amsterdam, where I set up social enterprise to
fight social injustice and help organisations to
become more inclusive, diverse and accessible.
This led to me being headhunted to go in-house
at M&C Saatchi.