Future TalentED Spring Term 2021 | Page 16

Gatsby Benchmarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gatsby Benchmarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

My virtual apprenticeship in software development

Jade Carino is undertaking a virtual Level 4 Software Developer apprenticeship with multinational technology company IBM . Here , she explains what her role involves and how she is able to combine meaningful work with ongoing learning .

What does your apprenticeship involve ?

I ’ m doing a Level 4 Software Developer apprenticeship , provided through external training provider Firebrand , which I ’ ll complete while working for IBM ; it comprises 80 % work and 20 % education .
The 80 % work part is spent doing my day job , which is as a software developer in a team in IBM Systems . I spend most of my time designing , writing and testing code , and this can be in a range of languages . Currently , I ’ m developing a website with colleagues , so I ’ m coding predominately in JavaScript , but in my last project I was coding daily in Java .
As I work in an Agile team ( see box , below ), I have the opportunity to contribute to all parts of the software development lifecycle , not just writing code . I work with designers and analyse requirements , deploy my code and sometimes help with maintenance . I also virtually attend a range of meetings such as a Scrum ( part of the Agile methodology ) every other day and customer calls or demos .
The other 20 % of my time is spent on education . As an apprentice , this is required so that I am always learning and developing my knowledge . I spend my education time on a mix of tasks . This could be working on my portfolio of the work I ’ ve done in my day job , which goes towards the eventual completion of my apprenticeship and final assessment . For this , I gather evidence of the work I ’ ve done and write about what I ’ ve learned .
The apprenticeship also involves two compulsory exams and two extra ones , so I ’ ve been on a few courses delivered by trainers at Firebrand to help with this and have to dedicate education time to revising . Other than that , I can spend my education time on personal development such as taking an online course to learn a new skill .

“ A common misconception about apprenticeships is that you ’ ll be given easy and meaningless tasks to do , whereas in fact you will be given real and important work ”

What have been the best and worst things about undertaking a virtual apprenticeship ?

Taking the apprenticeship virtually has definitely surpassed my expectations . Things such as onboarding , setting up my laptop and getting to know my colleagues were difficult at the start , but luckily there were many great communication tools that allowed me to get that support . IBM also has lots of social activities and communities , so I was able to get involved in those and get to know my colleagues well , despite not meeting them in person .
I feel that being in a virtual setting has allowed me to learn more . I ’ ve had to be more independent and use my initiative as I ’ m not surrounded by a team of people to help me all the time .
The best part for me has been the flexibility and ability to plan my work schedule around what suits me , in terms of being an apprentice and having to allocate time to revising for my exams and writing up my portfolio . I ’ ve also been able to save time and money by not having to commute into an office .
The worst part is not being able to get quick help from a colleague if you ’ re stuck . In the office , it would probably take a few moments to show someone something on your laptop and ask for help . When working virtually , you have to try to get them on a call or message them , which is more time consuming and sometimes gets confusing , especially when technical difficulties are involved .

“ An apprenticeship is a real full-time job , so make sure you are ready to enter the world of work ”

How are the subjects that you studied at school relevant to your apprenticeship ?

Programming involves a lot of logical thinking and problem solving , so Maths has been very relevant , and I ’ ve been able to use these skills on a daily basis . Coding is , in some ways , similar to algebra , so this is an area of knowledge I constantly use . I also frequently use writing skills I learned in English as the apprenticeship entails writing up my portfolio , communicating with others and creating timesheet entries about my education time . I took both Maths and English at A Level .
I took subjects such as Art and Drama at GCSE . They ’ re not directly relevant to this apprenticeship but it ’ s useful to have a creative eye when collaborating with designers . Performing allowed me to develop confidence in presenting and public speaking , which I ’ ve done a bit of during my apprenticeship .

What skills are required in your role and which have you learned through the apprenticeship ?

This apprenticeship requires a lot of initiative , self-motivation and independence . I think a common misconception about apprenticeships in general is that you ’ ll be given easy and meaningless tasks to do , whereas in fact you will be given real and important work . If you are learning how to be a software developer , you ’ ll need to be able to work independently through a set of work items , prioritise tasks within these and drive yourself to be productive .
Before starting my apprenticeship , I had no experience whatsoever in a technical role , so all the technical skills I ’ ve gained have been through learning on the job ; they include coding in Java , JavaScript and COBOL , using tools such as VSCode , Eclipse , GitHub , Jenkins and Maven , and employing methodologies such as Scrum . I ’ ve also developed personal skills around presenting , leadership , negotiation , creative problem solving and collaboration .

Opportunities at IBM

Who can apply for an apprenticeship at IBM ?
Our apprenticeships are open to any post-school-leaver age group and we have a range of ages and experience levels currently on the programme , across the UK . We are always looking to diversify our apprentice community even further .
How long does the apprenticeship last ?
At IBM , apprenticeships vary in duration from 18 months ( for example , for our Level 3 IT Technical Sales apprenticeship ) to four years for our degree apprenticeships .
Do you need specific qualifications ?
We ’ ve recently removed the UCAS points criteria from our application process , but we do require 5 GCSEs at level 4-9 , including English and Maths , and two years of post-school education .
How can young people apply ?
Our website lists the programmes available , application processes , training and development opportunities and details of what IBM can offer . Video segments from our apprentices give insight into the life of an apprentice with IBM .

What is your advice to other young people considering an apprenticeship ?

Be open and eager to learning new things , be passionate about your work and welcome any opportunities that come your way . My apprenticeship is a journey , and as well as giving me the skills to become a skilled software developer , it ’ s also about finding out what career path I want to follow when I finish the programme . Try new things so you learn what you enjoy — and what you don ’ t . An apprenticeship is a real full-time job , so make sure you are ready to enter the world of work .

What are your ultimate career ambitions and how do you think your apprenticeship will help you get there ?

I ’ d like to continue being a hands-on software developer and keep coding , no matter what seniority I reach . I ’ d love to work with emerging technology as I think innovation is so important , and I would also like to speak at events and conferences someday . I ’ ve already been able to give two presentations during my apprenticeship and will be encouraged to do more to develop my public-speaking skills , so hopefully I ’ ll be considered for speaking opportunities in future .
My apprenticeship will give me a wealth of technical skills and real-life experience to go with it , so hopefully this will allow me to progress within IBM , to continue to code , and eventually to become a distinguished engineer .

“ Being in a virtual setting has allowed me to learn more as I ’ ve had to be more independent and use my initiative . I ’ m not surrounded by a team of people to help me all the time ”

So , what is an Agile team ?

Agile project management , often used in software development , involves work being done piece by piece in ‘ sprints ’; it enables a team to produce a ‘ minimum viable ’ working product from the beginning , or to fail fast and take a different approach . Each sprint builds and improves on the previous one , adapting to change and feedback . An Agile team is cross-functional ( involving people with different types of expertise working towards a common goal ), collaborative and self-organising , comprising everything and everyone needed to produce working , tested versions of a product .