Future TalentED Spring Term 2021 | Page 15

RAF Gatsby Benchmarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
RAF Gatsby Benchmarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Is there a role for you in the RAF ?

Committed to broadening its gender and ethnic diversity , the Royal Air Force offers a broad range of career opportunities for all young people . We spoke exclusively to the RAF ’ s chief of the air staff and to youth and STEM leads , to understand its social and recruitment priorities .

W ith its motto ‘ per ardua ad astra ’ — ‘ through adversity to the stars ’ — the Royal Air Force was never going to let COVID-19 sabotage its mission to alert young people to the diverse careers and opportunities that can be accessed by studying STEM subjects .

Where usually , the RAF Inspire programme engages 9- to 14-yearolds through its annual schools roadshow , multi-school and largescale events , residential courses and STEM challenges , the pandemic required a swift transition to digital interactions . Last year , this resulted in the largest virtual engagement programme ever undertaken by the Royal Air Force .
STEM ambassadors were provided with high-tech equipment and training , with remote initiatives including the delivery of a suite of national STEM days to schools . There was even a STEM Summer School , in partnership with STEM Learning , for 60 socially disadvantaged students affected by the initial COVID lockdown . To cater for schools in areas with poor internet connectivity ( such as the Highlands and Islands of Scotland ) hard-copy resources were sent out and partners engaged to deliver virtual STEM support .
As restrictions continue into this year , the RAF , in partnership with BAE Systems and the Royal Navy , is delivering the largest coding engagement programme for schools ever undertaken in the UK , with a strong focus on social mobility , diversity and inclusion . The Coding Success scheme will provide 600 schools with Lego robotics equipment , professionally delivered teacher training and a series of curriculum mapped coding lessons .
Schools that receive this equipment are also eligible to enter the First Lego League — the largest robotics competition in the world . The Institute of Engineering and Technology , which runs First Lego League in the UK , recently offered £ 90,000 of funding to help schools engaged in coding success to enter .

The power of face-to-face engagement

All these , and the many other digital innovations and resources , have been resounding successes , reaching a global social media audience of more than 300 million , according to the RAF Youth & STEM 2020 Impact Report . But they are no substitute for in-person engagement , argues wing commander Russ Barnes , who leads on Youth and STEM .
“ I cannot stress enough that digital is not the same as face-to-face engagement ; you can ’ t look a child in the eye and see if they ’ ve really grasped what you ’ re talking about ,” he says . “ COVID has allowed us to amplify our message and spread it to more people , but in many ways it has been limiting .”
He explains that , going forward , a blend of virtual and in-person engagement is likely , with the innovations developed during the pandemic being put to good use . Meanwhile , work is underway on the 2022 schools roadshow .

If there is one message I ’ d like to get across , it ’ s the responsibility I feel for inspiring a new generation to consider careers in STEM and art and design

“ Some of the virtual interventions will stay for ever , but my team is champing at the bit to get back to some face-to-face engagement ,” pledges Barnes .

Opening up opportunities to all

The Royal Air Force ’ s commitment to widening the STEM skills talent pool comes from a desire to help meet the UK ’ s future demand — within its own ranks and across the aerospace industry . The RAF would not function without talented people in critical STEM roles such as engineers , aviation technicians and medics .
This agenda involves reaching out to more women and people from ethnic minorities and diverse backgrounds — who might not automatically consider a RAF career . The business and moral imperatives for doing so are well understood , as emphasised by the RAF ’ s chief of the air staff , air chief marshal Sir Mike Wigston .
“ If there ’ s one message I ’ d like to get across , it ’ s the responsibility I feel for inspiring a new generation to consider careers in STEM and art and design ; to consider aerospace and cyberspace careers , but also to consider a career in the RAF ,” he says .
Currently , statistics show that girls have a tendency to drop STEM subjects early , narrowing their opportunities prematurely — something Sir Mike is keen to address . “ There ’ s something in our society that means that , between the ages of 9 and 13 , girls decide they can ’ t do science or engineering . I ’ d like all young people to get through that age band — and to the important life choices at 14 — with engineering and science still an option .”

It ’ s no surprise that we ’ re finding brilliant young people , who are exactly the kind of people we want to recruit but previously we haven ’ t been able to , because they haven ’ t had the opportunities in their education

To encourage this , he is determined for the RAF to “ pool together with colleagues in the private sector aerospace industry and in cyberspace to contribute to the STEM syllabus , and in particular , to support STEM in minority groups and for people in challenging neighbourhoods , who previously haven ’ t had those opportunities ”.
“ It ’ s the right thing to do for society and for individual young people ,” explains Sir Mike . “ But there is also a business imperative for the RAF to assist schools in opening young people ’ s eyes to the opportunities in STEM – and particularly in aerospace . From a strategic business perspective , I can ’ t afford to be competing for talent within a dwindling pool of white , male , grammar school-educated candidates .”
Since the RAF is a base-fed organisation , he is realistic about the time it will take to establish meaningful diversity ; but tangible results are already emerging .
“ We can ’ t easily bring in diversity at senior levels ; we have to grow our own talent , and they ’ ve then got 10 or 20 years to rise up through the ranks ,” he admits . “ However , as we reach out and open up opportunities more widely , it ’ s no surprise that we ’ re finding brilliant young people , who are exactly the kind of people we want to recruit but previously we haven ’ t been able to because they haven ’ t had the opportunities in their education .”

Gaining a flavour of the Royal Air Force

The RAF ’ s aim is not to ‘ recruit ’ 9- to 14-year olds , but rather to instil in them knowledge and enthusiasm around STEM and to offer them a flavour of the Royal Air Force — plus transferable life skills — via its volunteer-led Air Cadet squadrons . These are UK-wide and community based , while the Combined Cadet Force ( CCF ) is provided through participating schools . ( See box )
“ We ’ ve been doing a lot of work translating what the cadets get as their standard experiences and through our STEM syllabus into an educationally recognised CV statement ,” explains Regional Commandment group captain Al Lewis .
The RAF also partners with the Scouts and Girlguiding to deliver STEM-related resources and activities , through funding provided by the RAF Charitable Trust .
For older teenagers and those in higher education , more direct pathways into the RAF can be accessed via the Air & Defence Colleges ( for school leavers ) and the University Air Squadrons , which are affiliated to UK universities and offer opportunities for specialist training . ( See box )





Responding to threats at a moment ’ s notice , 24 / 7 , 365 days a year .

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Preventing conflict by strengthening national and international security and protecting the interests and influence of the UK and its allies .
Watching the skies to monitor potential threats to UK airspace , 24 / 7 , 365 days a year .
Delivering aid , by providing urgent assistance in an emergency , from floods in the UK , to the Ebola outbreak in Africa , and devastating hurricanes in the Caribbean .

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Working in partnership by collaborating with government , military and civilian partners in the UK and overseas to promote UK security , prosperity and national interests around the world .
Combating cyber threats , by protecting the UK ’ s air and space capabilities against cyber attack .
The RAF emphasises that its careers are about helping each person to discover their own natural talents , and to work out what makes them valuable , productive and happy . While “ the headline is about flying aeroplanes ”, roles for school leavers and graduates are wide-ranging , encompassing many different specialties at different levels . Entry requirements vary by job , but applications require a minimum of English and Maths at GCSE .
As a graduate , for example , you could apply to become an RAF intelligence analyst , interpreting foreign language transmissions using state-of-the-art surveillance systems and providing vital intelligence to support military forces deployed around the world .
Or you might follow a different route , opting to work as an engineer officer responsible for leading the engineering activity that supports the RAF ’ s array of information technology , strategic communications services , satellite communications , air defence RADARs and the latest generation aircraft engineering and mission support systems .
As an apprentice , you might train as a cyberspace communications specialist , setting up , operating and maintaining the technology the RAF relies on to communicate — or as a chef , preparing food at five-star themed banquets one day and cooking in the field the next .

Some of the virtual interventions will stay for ever , but my team is champing at the bit to get back to some face-to-face engagement

“ We have 60 roles available , of which 22 are apprenticeships ,” explains squadron leader Paul Duffy , chief of staff ATTRACT . “ There are no roles within the RAF that are not open to women and we have a target of being 20 % BAME and 40 % female by 2030 .” He adds that in addition to rewarding roles and structured career development , benefits include subsidised food , reasonable rental rates and access to sports facilities . ( See apprentice case study )
Applications can be made via the RAF recruiting website , with staff from the Armed Forces Careers Offices on hand to provide guidance . “ We look after the applicant all the way through the process , so there ’ s always somebody to help allay their fears or explain the pathways into any role within the RAF ,” stresses Duffy .
During COVID restrictions , the RAF ( with the help of an industry partner ) created a virtual workspace , via a platform called Access All Areas , for online recruitment events . “ People can enter this , look at an area they are interested in joining and have a chat with somebody doing that job ,” explains Duffy .
“ It ’ s set up as it would be on an RAF unit , with the backdrops of the particular area . That has been a success story , and we have online events planned for March , but we do want to do in-person again once COVID has lifted .”
Find out more about the different RAF roles and how to apply via the website .

RAF chief of the air staff , air chief marshal Sir Mike Wigston on …

… the rewards of a career in engineering

For me , it ’ s the magic of bringing inanimate materials together and building something amazing , whether that ’ s a washing machine pump or a rocket to Mars . That is the essence of my fascination with engineering and design .

… the changing balance of engineering skills

Increasingly , my engineering is being done by digital technicians , using coding and data science . I need people who know how to write and adapt code . Over the next 10-20 years , my workforce balance is undoubtedly going to change , in terms of the proportion of people with digital information skills versus mechanical skills .

… the importance of creativity in aerospace

The focus on STEM is absolutely right , but the art and design side of what we do is important as well . Aircraft are designed by designers — to be beautiful — as well as by engineers .

… the personal qualities needed for the RAF

We need people who want to work in a high-performing team , who are ready for the obligation of wearing a uniform and are ready to serve — and understand that this means potentially putting yourself in dangerous situations . We need people who are resourceful and resilient .

… the value of the Air Cadets and other youth organisations

The Air Cadets gives young people fantastic life skills , so that they go into the world of work as better citizens . They gain skills and opportunities way beyond what you get in the classroom . It ’ s an important part of our contribution to society and to social mobility — giving young people a structure around their free time .

The Air Cadets gives young people fantastic life skills so that they go into the world of work as better citizens

How to gain a flavour of the RAF

The Air Cadets
The Air Cadets is an RAF-sponsored , UK-wide cadet force with more than 40,000 members aged between 12 and 20 years . Provided in the community , it offers hands-on experience of activities and courses that will challenge and develop young people ’ s skills to help them succeed in whatever they want to do .
Combined Cadet Force ( CCF )
There are CCF contingents in more than 400 secondary schools around the UK , offering a range of challenging , adventurous and educational activities . It aims to enable the development of personal responsibility , leadership and self-discipline . Each CCF is an educational partnership between the school and the Ministry of Defence and may include Royal Navy , Royal Marines , Army or Royal Air Force sections .
University Air Squadrons ( UAS )
Affiliated to UK universities , the UAS offer a chance to sample RAF life , aiming to attract ambitious and intelligent students into a career as an RAF officer , though joining doesn ’ t necessarily mean you have to join the RAF . As well as specialist training and the chance to fly , participants learn valuable leadership and team-building skills and have the opportunity to take part in sports and adventurous training such as rock climbing , skiing and sailing , in the UK and abroad .
Air & Defence Colleges
Designed as a pathway into the RAF for school leavers , the UK ’ s Air & Defence Colleges offer employer-led , career-focused education and technical training for 16- to 19-year-olds . Employer supporters work closely with the colleges to provide the model , creating secure career paths in the RAF , aerospace and catering industries for young people .


The RAF apprentice

Shannon Rose undertook a Level 3 ‘ Aviation on the Ground ’ apprenticeship with the RAF . Here , she explains what this entailed and how her career has developed since .

My grandad was in the Royal Navy , but prior to attending college , I ’ d never considered the military , as I was focused on going to university . However , once I started mentioning that I wanted to consider an alternative career path , friends and family suggested the RAF . The travel opportunities and extra benefits that the RAF could offer me ( for example , subsidised housing and food and a free gym ) spurred my enthusiasm to join .
The RAF offers apprenticeships in many different trades . I wanted to work in an air traffic control tower , but I wasn ’ t too picky about the particular job within that environment . When I went to the Armed Forces Careers Office , they suggested the ‘ Air and Space Operations System ( Flight Operations )’ trade . I needed five Cs at GCSE to apply ( including English and Maths ), but no prior experience .
The subjects I studied at school were English Literature and English Language , Maths , Core Science , Additional Science , Dance , Photography , Textiles and Art . School enabled me to prepare for further education , but the nature of my apprenticeship was unique .
I applied online and was invited in for a medical and the Airmen Selection Test , which is an aptitude test , as well as a brief interview . I also went on a familiarisation visit to RAF Halton , which included a fitness test .

Trying different roles

My apprenticeship was in Aviation on the Ground , a Level 3 qualification . I was based at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire , living on camp . I had a three-year period upon arriving at my first unit to complete this qualification . I was able to choose modules that aligned with my job role ; for example , one of mine was ‘ markings on the airfield ’, which is quite niche to air traffic ! Tutors were always on hand to support me and to monitor my progress .

“ Joining the RAF is a stepping stone which allows you to understand yourself and your qualities , and to develop yourself ”

I ’ m currently ‘ out of trade ’ and have gone into social media and marketing , based at RAF Cranwell , living off camp . I ’ ve just bought my first home . That ’ s the beauty of the Royal Air Force . You don ’ t necessarily need to stay within the trade or branch you apply for . You have opportunities to try different things . I ’ ll still have to go back into trade in a couple of years , but this job gives me new skills and a different aspect of the RAF .

Developing my personal attributes

I don ’ t think the RAF suits any one type of personality as there ’ s such a variety of roles , although you do have to be open to new experiences . It ’ s a great environment in which to meet a lot of different people and to develop your own personal attributes . If you ’ ve not previously had to work in a team , or take on a leadership role , it puts you in scenarios where you can test yourself in a safe environment .
Within the RAF , we do our main role , but also assist in secondary duties . We need to stay fit and healthy for our fitness tests and there are lots of different committees we can get involved with , plus many opportunities to play sports , which develops our followership and teamwork .
If you ’ re considering joining the RAF , I ’ d say take the leap , because it opens up so many opportunities . It ’ s a stepping stone which allows you to understand yourself and your qualities , and to develop yourself . Even if it ’ s not a career you want to do for the rest of your life , it gives you a platform from which to take different pathways .


• The RAF ’ s STEM Learning resources demonstrate how the Royal Air Force uses technology to aid search and rescue operations and how the natural world inspires engineers to develop new products and designs .
• Download the RAF Discovery app , which uses augmented reality to bring basic concepts of flight to life in a digital workshop .