FUTURE TALENT March-May 2019 | Page 5

61 André Spicer: Think like an anthropologist A new perspective on organisational behaviour 60 70 Reading round up The latest leadership literature in a nutshell 72 In-depth review The age of surveillance capitalism is the theme of Shoshana Zuboff’s timely new book 73 Food for thought Research snippets and topical insights 75 Talk among yourself The vices and virtues of working from home Adam Kingl: Getting to grips with generation Y Gen Ys are starting to lead themselves – and us 62 Sue Unerman: Where are all the men? Avoiding echo chambers in gender diversity 63 Robert Rowland Smith: Power in unpredictability Understanding leaders’ power play 65 John Sills: The value of the human factor Great customer service has humans at its heart 66 Nathalie Nahai: This time it's personal Ethics and employee data 67 Henry Playfoot: Talking about purpose? Big companies need to link effort to impact March – May 2019 // 5