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News, views, facts & stats
Key updates for people
leaders in business
17 Next generation CHROs
Uncovering the core
capabilities and mindsets
20 The art of leading
through disruption
Saïd Business School’s
insights for talent leaders
24 CEO interview
Avon CEO Jan Zijderveld
on navigating change
26 Putting culture at the
heart of performance
How Metro Bank creates
a culture of community
30 Who owns the skills gap?
City & Guilds Group’s
enlightening research
Future Talent
34 The pros and cons of
digital collaboration
Do new tools enhance
or harm productivity?
40 Mental health at work: is
anyone getting it right?
Wellbeing comes down
to addressing culture
46 Beyond unconscious
bias training for staff
How far does it work and
what are the alternatives?
52 Four. What is it good for?
Could the four-day week
be a secret weapon in the
knowledge economy?