Future Manufacturing future-manufacturing_12023 | Page 37

Intelligent rotary joints – An insight in tomorrow ’ s technology
christian maier | company profile 37
For almost a hundred years , we at Christian Maier GmbH & Co . KG Maschinenfabrik have experience in the field of rotary joints and have established ourselves as a technology leader worldwide . With the new sensor technology developed in-house , we are moving towards digitalization and supporting our customers in operating their plants even more efficient .
Source : maierGROUP

Intelligent rotary joints – An insight in tomorrow ’ s technology

A rotary joint transfers gas or fluid from a stationary part of the plant , such as a pipeline , to a rotating part of the machine , such as a heated roller . Typical applications are on chill rollers for film production , heated rollers for embossing or laminating processes or the steam supply of rotating dryer drums . This interface between stationary and rotating machine components is always a process-critical , neuralgic point for the reliable operation of a process . For this reason , maierGROUP has been concerned with monitoring options for the rotating union from a very early stage .
maierGROUP sensors avoid unplanned downtime Our sensors enable the health status of a rotating union to be monitored on the basis of a wear measurement of the seal or a very sensitive leakage detection and to recommend maintenance measures in time . A combined pressure and temperature sensor system located directly on the rotating union allows processes to be monitored
thermally and to identify energy-saving potential . The combination of leakage and torque monitoring helps to detect potentially hazardous damage to the rotary joint . Personnel and equipment are thus protected from the leakage of potentially dangerous media such as hot thermal oil .
IO-link-based sensors for advanced condition monitoring Through IO-Link technology , our sensors , as well as those of other manufacturers , connect quickly and easily to the machine control system or a cloud . This means that you always have your processes in view , thanks to a standardized communication procedure . This monitoring technology promotes the smooth operation of your machines and systems and therefore increases the quality of your production .
Christian Maier GmbH & Co . KG Maschinenfabrik Würzburger Str . 67 – 69 • 89520 Heidenheim • Germany Phone + 49 7321 317-0 • E-Mail info @ maier-heidenheim . de Internet www . maier-heidenheim . com