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Introducing users to key AI technology
36 company profile | IDS Imaging Development Systems
There is no doubt that artificial intelligence ( AI ) plays a key role in the digital age . The self-learning algorithms have the potential to significantly improve processes and products – not least in combination with image processing . At the same time , new possibilities for automation and digitalisation are opening up . However , many companies have reservations about the new technology ; for many decision-makers , artificial intelligence is still difficult to understand , and urgently needed automation processes fall by the wayside due to a lack of acceptance .
Source : IDS

Introducing users to key AI technology

# idshasvision IDS wants to specifically counteract this . The owner-managed medium-sized company is pursuing the vision of massively facilitating access to artificial intelligence for users in SMEs as well as in corporations with easy-to-use , intelligent image processing components . With IDS NXT , a kind of AI vision ecosystem is available for this purpose , consisting of intelligent cameras with an intuitive software environment . The software and tools make AI-based image processing usable even for users with no prior knowledge of artificial intelligence or application programming . Companies of all sizes can implement cost-saving solutions at a low cost .
B2B marketplace for future-oriented image processing solutions The online marketplace visionpier , the first and so far only one of its kind for image processing solutions with and without artificial intelligence , also offers direct access to potential or already developed solution options . Solution providers and users can discuss these , develop or further develop them , use , adapt and reuse them .
IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH Dimbacher Str . 10 • 74182 Obersulm • Germany Phone + 49 7134 96196-0 • E-Mail info @ ids-imaging . com Internet www . ids-imaging . com